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How the hell do I take this apart

Mmmmmm it's not like you can get any WD40 in there either. I'm hoping that's why they're not cheap - if they've been lying somewhere for a while the battery may have leaked slightly and almost corroded itself to the base. I'm assuming you had it apart at some point though to charge the battery ?

Nope, it actually just came, I got it off of Focalecig for like 1.50....

I know the battery is removable, so either its a weakling or something is up with it..
Are you sure they've not sent you an ego by mistake - I assume there is a little spingy button on the bottom side ?
That's one weird ego combo never seen that design before :banghead: sorry never read post correctly

altho looking at the pic is there a small button on the base cap or maybe it's jammed
If it has the springy button on the side and it came as one unit, my bet is the battery may have leaked and corroded itself to the button - god knows how long the battery has been inside.

I conquered this annoying bugger, ignore the pajamas and keyboard, I had to take a pair of pliers and almost throw out my arm to get it out, this thing needs WD40 BAD, its like they Gorilla Glued it in there..
Fit the bottom cap tight in a vice or a pair of what we call Mole grips, stuff a screwdriver in the hole and heave like fuck. If it still doesn't budge then it becomes a disposable. A shoulder job.
Fit the bottom cap tight in a vice or a pair of what we call Mole grips, stuff a screwdriver in the hole and heave like fuck. If it still doesn't budge then it becomes a disposable. A shoulder job.

Big hammer :P brute force and ignorance
Fit the bottom cap tight in a vice or a pair of what we call Mole grips, stuff a screwdriver in the hole and heave like fuck. If it still doesn't budge then it becomes a disposable. A shoulder job.

See post above, I had to rip this thing out like a mad man with some pliers, I think it was sent from hong kong to kill my arms, but its cool, I got it out...

And it has a cool purple battery, really nice little thing, for stealth vaping I suppose, now I just need something that will work with it :P

Oh... and a charger
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