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How to organise/store concentrates


Apr 28, 2017
Just wondering how you more experienced apes store and organise your concentrates?

I got 5 to start with they stayed in the box they came in, simples...

Now I am getting a decent stash going, I find myself taking longer and longer to find what I want in the box. Got a few ideas ranging from a shelving system to those smalll drawer things but was just wondering how you guys with 100+ different concentrates managed to keep them in any kind of organisation?
I mix frequently, hardly a day passes when I haven't mixed something. So I like to keep everything within arm's reach, on a shelf above the desk where I vape and mix. Most of the bottles are in racks bought from FastTech. It's a north facing room so it's out of direct sunlight.
I also have a box in the freezer which contains "bulk" items and duplicate bottles ... under the desk and in fridges and freezers are the diluents and nic.
Stock control is done on a spreadsheet.

nail varnish stands, and work out an order for each shelf, A1, B2 etc

then use a decent juice calcualtor and tag them with where they are in your stands

i'd recommend this calculator

place the location of the liquid in the 'storage location' of the ingredient and it will tag it like Blackcurrant A1 whenever you use it in a recipe.

May be a little bit anal, but it's a lot easier to work with and once it's set up it takes no effort to use.
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