I don't want to add fuel to the fire, or indeed piss on anyone's fire, but I was at the London ecigarette summit, and it was as plain as the nose on your face that the UK government ARE going ahead with their plans to medically regulate e-cigarettes. There was no mention of diluted measures in respect of the TPD, or that the government will be looking at two different regulations - one for medically prescribed e-cigs, and another for the recreational market. E-juices WILL be affected, and if the plans go ahead the selling non-licenced fluids will be a criminal offence. The same will apply to devices. Its as simple as that.
On the brighter side, the experts were largely in agreement that by 2016 the number of vapers will be a lot lot more today and trying to enforce the new laws and trying to control internet sales, justify closing down businesses and taking action against individuals would be a very big task, and likely to be a bit of a politically unsafe move given the number of potential job losses and everything that goes with that.
I really do believe that those making the policies haven't got a fecking clue what is going on in the marketplace and that there are many existing small companies making quality products, who will either dissapear or be bought by the larger companies in the event of medical regulation becoming a reality, as they will never be able to afford the costs of the licences they would require to carry on trading, not to mention the huge investment in bespoke premises etc. which would be needed to meet the requirements of medicine production.
I hope that any attempt at medical regulation in the Umited Kingdom will be challenged in court and stopped, as it has been in other European countries.
But make no mistake, regulation in some form WILL happen, and there will be casualties as a result. As vaping continues to grow, there will be more and more shit pedlars and knowledgeless opportunists selling all manner of crap to the unsuspecting public.
I hope to God that I completely misunderstood what the MHRA said, but I am 99% sure that I didn't. One thing I am certain of is that there will be a very, very healthy black market in vaping supplies in the not too distant future if common sense doesn't start to play a part, but when has government ever applied common sense?