your first post didnt offend me too much, even though i myself have suffered from drug dependancy in the past - not for a long time. but i did see the way in which you meant it.
it was the follow ups. i cant believe you! do you vote conservative by any chance? (oops, maybe that comment makes me as bad as you?)
someone once told me "its who you are, not what you are" and to this day i stand by it being one of the truest things i have ever heard.
people dont choose to become drug addicts. unfortunately life can be a fucker, and we as people sometimes find ourselves in situations where there is a choice between a bad decision and a bad decision.
especially in this financial climate, EVEN YOU could find yourself on your arse in a gutter somewhere looking for your next fix.
life can turn upside down in a second!
one of my best friends has recently come out of prison. he is not a bad lad, i have known him for years and would happily die by his side. however people like YOU would probably think he was scum, that he deserved it all.
but this lad is the son of 2 ex heroin addicts. his early years were spent crawling around dirty smack flats. he had no choice in that. you may say he had a choice in his actions that sent him to prison, but desperate men do desperate things, and he was in a real shit situation where the only choices he had were bad ones. this does not make him a bad person.
anyway, i need to go bed. i was all chilled and ready to go bed until this got my back up.
and thanks
JennyS for entertaining as always
- you said most of what i needed to say before i even had chance to haha.
...and i will remember to never piss you off