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I'm now a vaper not a smoker, or am I ?


Jan 25, 2014
Hi all, I'm now a full on vaper user and not had a cig for a month. Yes the first week or so I could of easy picked up a pack again but now I'm not that bothered. I did use the ecig with the cigs for a few weeks but went to work one day with the ecig and 2 cigs, yes I smoked the cigs but the day after I went to work with just the ecig. I still have 2 full packs of cigs on the side but it really doesn't bother me now.
If someone asks me now if I smoke I feel like I should say no but the back of my head says yes. If it was an official type form could I really put non smoker ?
I'm a recent stopper (1st December '13). I thought I'd try a cig on New years eve, it was awful, I knew then that that was my last.
I remember being at a similar point & then there was this decision to be made , end the smokes or not ? I chose to end it & i doubt i would have if it were not for vaping. Point is that i found/find vaping to be a very real & great substitute for my old smoking habit. It's quite something to put those cigs down for the last time knowing that it's the end, permanently but the ecigs i had at the time made it so doable. I was only using a vape stick & a nicolite ,both rechargeable cig-a-likes but they worked. I still have them hanging around.
If you're filling a form in, then choose whatever YOU think suits your status best.

Why let anyone else try to slap a label on you when the choice is yours? ;)
I no longer smoke, haven't for over two months, nearly three (wow! surprised myself) Haven't thought of myself as a smoker since then - I don't believe vaping is smoking by any stretch of the imagination :P
vaping is a very good way of getting off the cigs thats how i did it. after a while you forget that you vape instead of smoking and you vape for a hobby or just to relax. ive been off the stinkies now since the beggining of last june. at first i bought a cheap e-cig pack and havent touched one since.
i too left 2 packs of 50g tobaco in the house as i had no intention of really quitting i was trying to prove a point lol. but gave them away after the first month as i felt healthier and cleaner.
the first 9 days i remember were a nightmare but it was worth it now. although i found a lot of foods i used to love taste terrible now lol.
getting back to your question lol if you havent had a cigarette then you are a non smoker in my eyes.
If you no longer user tobacco, then you arent a smoker. There really isnt a fine line, no smoke means non smoker :P anyone who tells you different is silly.
If you do not burn tobacco and create smoke, then you're not a smoker. Simple as that. I haven't burned tobacco for almost 3 years now!

I never would have imagined it was possible. Vaping is an absolute miracle!

ETA: Anonymous, you're fast!
As others have said, if you're not smoking you're not a smoker. However I still regard myself as a smoker in some ways.

I have not smoked real tobacco, with the exception of the odd blip (last one over two years ago), for three and a half years and am firmly a Vaper.

But I've also always felt that without ecigs ....I would be smoking. Deep down the name still fits psychologically if not actually. Once a smoker, always a smoker etc. I also empathise with smokers. The vilification , the demonisation, the diseased lepers as they have become to the nanny state and high ground moralists, to be 'treated' with 'medicine', mocked and pitied. As a life long stubborn smoker I still defend anyone's right to do what they want with their bodies.

Early in the life of this forum I posted a poll below. I said then that as time went on I may change my view as Vaping became mainstream. At the time of doing the poll there were some friends of mine who used the term E-smoker which I didn't care for much but sort of got where they were coming from. Hence the poll. It hasn't had much support ever since and probably rightly too as we distance ourselves from smoking more and more

Take a look at the thread. It may interest you

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