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Oh @kockeyedkitty sorry u are feeling shit lovely. Hopefully the meds adjustment will help a bit.
I had to get some more meds recently due to having a few days of higher anxiety, feel a little better now.

But fuck me this staying in lark is doing my head in, I'm working which is good, from home but i feel like i could kill lol. We are still getting miserable customers moaning about stupid things, most we cannot sort due to covid19 situation.

At least we have the forum to distract us hun. Might order myself something new to cheer me up

Take care and im a dm away if u want to chat

Dee xx
I was stood in my kitchen last night ranting at a small army of ants that had invaded, as if I might assertively persuade them to leave. It didn’t work, the wee bastards ignored me. It pissed me off greatly :anyone:
I was stood in my kitchen last night ranting at a small army of ants that had invaded, as if I might assertively persuade them to leave. It didn’t work, the wee bastards ignored me. It pissed me off greatly :anyone:
If it's a completely new recent invasion it might be worth just cleaning up with soapy water, or a spray or bleach cleaner, or a vinegar mix. Don't just clean away the ants, you need to clean away the pheromone trail they leave for each other as well. And find out where they're getting in and see of you can block it.

Doesn't always work, but it's an easy start and they might just decide to go elsewhere. :51:
I was stood in my kitchen last night ranting at a small army of ants that had invaded, as if I might assertively persuade them to leave. It didn’t work, the wee bastards ignored me. It pissed me off greatly :anyone:

Bleach the fuckers. Find out where they are getting in, bleach it and watch them suffer. Then seal it up and they shall trouble you no more. In the event that fails then follow them, see if you can find where they are outside and burn them, burn them real good, burn the house down if it means they burn mwah ha ha ha. Please feel free to ignore me as I am clearly suffering from cabin fever and/or pyromania.
Bleach the fuckers. Find out where they are getting in, bleach it and watch them suffer. Then seal it up and they shall trouble you no more. In the event that fails then follow them, see if you can find where they are outside and burn them, burn them real good, burn the house down if it means they burn mwah ha ha ha. Please feel free to ignore me as I am clearly suffering from cabin fever and/or pyromania.


I walked around outside earlier, inspecting the pavement outside my flat closely, for about 20 mins, not an ant in sight. I was acutely aware that my landlord’s dad’s house overlooks the whole area, and doesn’t miss a damn thing out of his windows. And he has already questioned my sanity on more than one occasion o_O

I walked around outside earlier, inspecting the pavement outside my flat closely, for about 20 mins, not an ant in sight. I was acutely aware that my landlord’s dad’s house overlooks the whole area, and doesn’t miss a damn thing out of his windows. And he has already questioned my sanity on more than one occasion o_O
He sounds like a dick. Sneak out in the middle of the night leaving a discrete trail of sugar leading from your flat to his, making sure to post a little but not noticeable amount of sugar through his letterbox. The ants will follow the sugar and infest his house instead. If that doesn't work or he's an ass then you have 2 options really, burn him, burn his goddam house down! The other option is to go back outside and when you notice him watching you, burst into tears, run inside and report him as a pervert. I accept no legal responsibility if you follow my advice and in the event if any trial will plead insanity.
With one child pulling faces like I'd asked her to burn her entire wardrobe when all I asked her to do was take the recycling out, the lad cooking himself meals that would feed an entire family (honestly, three fucking pies?), and their collective belief that a magic fairy pops around every fucking morning to clean all of their fucking dishes and mugs...well, the ones they decided could no longer fit in their fucking bedrooms as part of the ongoing experiment to see exactly how much fucking mould we can grow during lockdown...and me feeling like a sack of coronashit today - no, I'm not in the least bit fucking edging on exploding.

That's normal for a family house mate.
My 17 yo is the same.
You should be used to it by now.
That's not isolation, that's everyday family life.:18:
Just knackered really, more to do with being an insomniac, but also worried, which is related to irritable. My wife and I obviously do irritate each other now and then but have sort of agreed to stay quiet about it, wait a while and list our quibbles later, whilst having a laugh about it. It's interesting what pees people off, I loathe hate and despise whistling, my wife doesn't whistle, plenty of other people do, why walk round a shop whistling ffs.

I know what pisses my neighbours off: music, esp.heavy metal, and my listening to it in the garden, with the back door wide open, hence I've not fired the Hi Fi up since the lockdown.
Here you go, a nice relaxing video, eye candy, a bit o' culture .............. and it might make @Leni laugh .................. :D

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