What is a matter with people? Do they not understand simple instructions?
Exactly. Im afraid this will bring us a 2nd close up.
Why many people think the Covid-19 is over? Its because we can go outside home? That means that everything is all right, no?
Well, maybe we get the only thing they understand

Here in Spain we are suffering new outbreaks in many provinces. Some of them are being isolated, again. And its getting worse day by day, slowly (yet).
And its not a coincidence, the espectacle you can see in pubs, discos, beaches, shops, ... its a fucking joke. Even the public transport god damn it.
50% of spaniards dont give a shit about the Covid anymore.
I cant understand why wearing masks in public/crowded places in not mandatory yet. Recommended? fuck off Mr. President.
What have the 3 months of confinement been for, apart from ruining the country? All that effort from health personnel, from all of us, for nothing.
Sorry about the rant guys; but Im well pissed off and disappointed with all that people. Hicks and peasants, thats what we (spanish) are and thats what we deserve I guess.
I want a normal life back too! But trust me, not wearing a simple mask arguing crap its not the way.
Thanks to all the other commited people thats also out there caring for not turning into another jackass.