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is noalox really neccasary

Oct 24, 2013
I've been hearing a lot about having to use noalox on the threads of a mod but others saying it's not necessary i dunno what to think as the zmax is my first mod help please?
I don't use any lubricants on my mods if that helps you.
Just get into the habit of cleaning the threads, kitchen towel it's cheap in aldi. Or once in a while alcohol wipe / vodka
was just worried cos i got told its a must or it may short circuit

It's more likely to short-circuit if you use a conductive lubricant and are too liberal in its application.

If your mod has well machined threads then you won't notice much of a difference, if it's a cheapy with gash threads then you'll notice an improvement as the lubricant will enable the mod to be tightened tighter and the conductive lubricant will fill any gaps.

I use it on some, not on others, but not Noalox as it has a metallic particulate component which will degrade the integrity of the threads over time.

Works on loose switches too.
If your threads are a bit crunchy I'd recommend a careful application of Contralube 770, It doesnt have the metallic bits in it, is about the same price and will last longer. Be careful where you put it as too much around the 510 connection could cause a short but otherwise a little smeared onto threads with a cotton bud will help them run smoother...
Even something such as Vaseline or other petroleum jelly products will do the job. It only requires the smallest amount. You should name and shame the source of your sound lubrication advice.
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