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Is there one out there (RBA)


May 2, 2013
Ok, after 2 hours of googling forum searching and general head banging i am ready to give up a search for my perfect device but am hoping that someone out there has seen what i am looking for.

Basically i am looking for something similar to the kayfun or russian but with a glass tank. The style being coil at the bottom instead of at the top such as the majority of rebuildables, i am planning to microcoil and use cotton for the builds and this seems the best design to do go with but every tank so far has either been ludicrously expensive or plastic/polycarbonate.

I dont mind clones/copies (if they work)

Any suggestions at all?
Yes but they're not cheap.


Glass tanks that have screw threads in them aren't cheap to manufacture.

I'd save up and get a KFL+ and put the metal section in it myself.
Ah thanks for the replies, was just watching a review by todd on the fogger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhWi71jDQ4k&list=TLE9nFFHfjJz1rYkTWNlGn2cu03Gamv7RT thanks todd for another great review, and well, it certainly ticks all the right boxes and then some with the top fill hole, adjustable airflow, but think i may have to do a little more research as one of his last sentences was "i think its going to infuriate alot of people" and well, i cant use genesis cause they infuriate me lol

As for the Taifun, yer that sucker is waaaaay out of my price range, the wife already curses my spending habits (one of the reasons i am once again researching rba's, funnily enough just spent another <£20 on the davide aspire from mr vapercaper there). Yes there is the metal section for the kfl+ i am just a bit anal about being able to see what is going on, plus the juices i use have awesome colours and need to be shown off lol.

Right now i think the fogger has it, but keep em coming.
ps i am prob looking at a max price range of ~£60 ($100)

ok, edit: done some more digging and reading and after reading this one http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/showthread.php/21002-The-Fogger?highlight=fogger i think i will have to pass on the fogger, the word FAFF is mentioned far too many times for my patience level.
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Get a kayfun lite. It comes with a metal tank as well as plastic so if your using nasty juice you can use metal.
Can you add a better 510 drip tip to the KFL? They look alright to me except for that.
Any 510 drip tip will fit a KFL. Yes and buy a KFL you will not be disappointed.
fine, fine i can take the hint get the kfl (waiting for the +) and use the metal bit will just have to put up with not showing off the funky coloured juices (druide for eg)
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