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Is vaping safe???


Feb 20, 2013
Both myself and my better half are now vaping and not smoking, Karen in particular has been asking how safe vaping is (due in part to how close to smoking it feels and how effective is has been so far).

So with that in mind can someone point me towards any documentation/literature that will help put her mind at rest please?

Hi Roger,

This is probably the one thing that has recently made a big stir. It's a briefing from ASH (Action on Smoking and Heatlh) who have previously called for the banning of e-cigarettes. A colleague at work had exactly the same question as Karen, and was hugely reassured by it's content. Have a look at it here.

Hope this helps, and starts the ball rolling. Cheers!

TAG: whipitup
whipitup you also might want to take a look Here the page has some good points on it for beginners, & those with questions of your wife's nature
Personally the way I look at vaping, is when I was smoking I was playing 'Russian Roulette' with my health. Now I still feel I am playing that, but now I am using 'blanks' instead of live ammunition. I hope that makes sense to you, because it doesnt to me, lol :)
I know this is a lot of information to digest, but have a look here http://wiki.planetofthevapes.co.uk/wiki/Main_Page

Particularly here http://wiki.planetofthevapes.co.uk/wiki/Studies which contains the latest studies done and all of the information compiled by ECITA

This bit http://wiki.planetofthevapes.co.uk/wiki/Benefits was written by Daz of Safercigs

Also have a read on these two links which are the key components of E-Liquid

Compared to real cigs, experts have said time and time again that vaping is SAFER than smoking, due to the lack of carcinogenic chemicals (cigs have roughly 4000 chemicals which can cause cancer and are carcinogenic, ecigs have none) lack of Nitrosamines (the bits that cause cancer), Real cigs have an extreme density of these whereas Nitrosamines in Ecigs are almost completely gone and with only trace amounts that are not a concern to safety. (This is linked to the nicotine being derived from Tobacco)
Hi Roger,

This is probably the one thing that has recently made a big stir. It's a briefing from ASH (Action on Smoking and Heatlh) who have previously called for the banning of e-cigarettes. A colleague at work had exactly the same question as Karen, and was hugely reassured by it's content. Have a look at it here.

Hope this helps, and starts the ball rolling. Cheers!

TAG: whipitup

I hadn't seen this, so while it wasn't posted for me, thank you! I particularly like the part about the study done on animals (much as I'm not keen on animal testing!), sounds pretty conclusive with respect to PG.
Thanks guys, gradually reading trough the links everyone has posted, but for now at ease having read the "ash" PDF.

Thanks again!!!
Both myself and my better half are now vaping and not smoking, Karen in particular has been asking how safe vaping is (due in part to how close to smoking it feels and how effective is has been so far).

So with that in mind can someone point me towards any documentation/literature that will help put her mind at rest please?


It depends what you mean by safe... is it healthier than smoking? Yes.

Your bank balance might not be healthier once the shinyitis kicks in though. ;)
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