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Itaste SVD + Igo-L


Mar 18, 2014
After much research and hours of youtube reviews, I opted for an Itaste SVD as an ungrade to my existing batteries - eGo and Spinner. I've pondered for weeks whether to go Vamo, Sigelei, Evic, SID, SVD etc etc.

Right now I'm glad I went for the latter. Feels like a really solid bit of kit, good menu, buttons are nice and clicky, threads are smooth and it looks good. Nice and small in 18350 mode and has the option to go 18650 or stacked 18350s. It came with a Protank 3 which is vaping really well.

I've also been using my Igo-L dripper which arrived a couple of days ago (£4.50 from Slothtech). I wasn't impressed with the Igo-L on my Spinner, inconsistent vape and a very harsh draw at times, to the point I couldn't use it due to throat-burn. I had put this down to the atty itself, however I tried it again on the SVD and it's fantastic, really smooth draw, lots of vapour and great taste. Not sure if credit goes to the SVD or if the coils just needed broken in but I can see this little dripper being my stock vape choice for indoors. I love the option of changing juice at a whim, a few drips of this, then a few drips of that and great for trying DIY mixes.

Anyway, I've seen some fellow noobs on here recently eyeing up vv/vw devices so I hope this helps. It's definitely a step up from the Spinner. I ordered the full kit on Sunday night and it arrived today (Tuesday) free postage. Thanks to myepack for the great service & delivery.
Good choice on the SVD. You're gonna love it. As far as the Igo L is concerned, I've always thought that wasn't a bad Dripper atty. The air port on mine got punched out to a 3 mm and it worked like a champ. That was as long as I had it facing the coil.
Good choice on the SVD. You're gonna love it. As far as the Igo L is concerned, I've always thought that wasn't a bad Dripper atty. The air port on mine got punched out to a 3 mm and it worked like a champ. That was as long as I had it facing the coil.

I know what you mean, seems to work best with the air hole facing upwards. I guess this has to be the case or the juice would block it and leak out.
I've personally had no leaking from it but I did notice the airflow seemed better with the air hole on top.

But to answer your question, I haven't rewicked yet so still using the wicks that came with it, probably silica. Any recommedations on that front? I've yet to try cotton wool on any coil.
Cotton has been good for me. I've used ecowool a few time and found silica was easier to work with. So far cotton has been the best for dripping.
The SVD is a great mod I have one myself, I don't drip with it because it won't fire a sub ohm coil.
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