Sorry for the delay in responding.
Your juice/shortfill amount should be perfect. We make them up so that if you order a 50/50 at 12mg that's exactly what you'll get.
However, because of TPD and the rules on nicotine you are of course stuck with the predicament of having to decant quite a few nic shots into the bottle. Typically NETS are shake and vape but at 12mg a little bit of a steep would probably help.
I've just mentioned this on another thread but a lot of our customers who vape at higher nic strengths often order as Make it Zero or Leave it Short and add 72mg nicotine to it but of course that's entirely their decision
I actually use a Nautilus 3 myself for NETs but some of the comments above are quite right - i get about 2 weeks out of my Nautilus coils vaping Freshblast or Peanacco but when it goes you can really taste it. A lot of NET vapers who buy from us have rebuildable atomisers so they rewick often to get the best possible flavour.
If you're having any other issues, just drop us an email or message us via Facebook - you'll get a response in 15 minutes on there! We're always happy to help.