Seen the voopoo drag with the gene chip and the software you install on your pc to configure it? The screen on the mod does look a similar (well, almost identical) to a Dna screen too, doesn't it?
Mind you, at $38 on one site..... it looks good value for what seems to be a 'very DNA style' device
I happened to see it by pure chance on the VapnFagan YouTube channel yesterday actually lol. I haven't seen the software to see what it looks like, etc though!! Got a link?? Not that I'm gonna download it. Frankly I'm really surprised it's taken this long for mod manufacturers to copy Evolv and the whole Escribe concept. Yes, it does look very close to a DNA, having said that, a couple of my mods have screens that look exactly like DNA40's as well, it's not uncommon and they could actually be the same screen as a DNA40, anyway. I think Evolv have definitely set a bar other manufacturers have been frequently emulating with screens and similar or the same button combinations as well.
I'm sure you'll also remember the original Joyetech eVic that had full software support by PC
?? , I could never understand why Joyetech didn't continue the concept with later generation boards as well. Clearly the boards had the capability for it as the Arctic Fox firmware now gives people the option again, Joyetech obviously didn't want to spend the time or money developing it further in house and have left it to open source development. The original eVic was way ahead of its time over 4 years ago with the full PC software that was available for it and it was a very advanced wee mod, often criticised as too advanced at the time, do you remember them lol
??. I think more people would have an interest in it again now when they've heard of the various options available with the DNAs, not just enthusiast DNA users
. The original eVic did only have 11 watts though lol. Considering however most of us were using original CE4/5's or clearos like T3/MT3's, etc at the time with 1.8, 2.4 or 2.7 ohm coil heads, 11 watts was certainly more than enough
The Arctic Fox software has been around a while now too to turn most Joyetech boards into a Escribe'esque type interface. It looks quite interesting. I was intending to hook up my Cuboid and standard RX200 to Arctic Fox but I just can't get around to it lol
I think it's something we'll start to see a lot more of again with the way vaping is moving along, with most mods having companion software IF people want to use it but not necessarily vital, just more of an optional extra
Hope there's more apps developed for phones, etc too rather than all of these software packages being PC only!! If you can easily hook your mod up to any mobile device as you can a DNA to a PC, I think there would be MASSIVE interest
. People do tend to want to have a play with features just on their mods, even when they don't understand it. If developers have some clear basic and advanced sections clearly labelled to let users know not to mess with advanced features they don't understand, more and more people would have an interest in hooking their mods up
Another year and we'll probably be seeing combination mods and phones as well anyway lol