Meg. They're picking on me and I don't like it.
Can you prepare my special place please?
Can anyone see the Elephant in the room here?
NO because I shot the fucker and ate it!
Ive never eaten cat .. and Ive tried some mad meats
Never say never though
there is no battle, I'm just being my normal devils chuntocate self
You've eaten cat???
lol! You'd be surprised how hard it is to find a restaurant in the Guangxi Province that serves traditional English food and isn't packed full of really annoying tourist types
When in Rome and all that....
As squeamish as we may be about what they consider a delicacy... I think we come out of the cultural judgments far less favorably... we might think what they eat is on the whole disgusting, but they think we as a nation are on the whole.. drunken, loud, uneducated and... disgusting