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JUUL in the UK

It's incredibly effective at what it is designed to do- get smokers to switch to vaping. The pods taste great too, and it's available just about everywhere over there. Even in petrol stations.

I did read that the JUUL has a 54% share of the vaping market, which is massive

Is that just because they're able to go super high-nic though?
I fucked up the other day. Picked up the wrong bottle and accidentally filled the series squonker with 36mg nic salts. 4 toots later I found myself '#Juuling' as only as an American adolescent can.
On the whole, I found my adolescent illicit use of Tipex thinners preferable. Ah! Those halcyon days on the back table in biology lessons..
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I fucked up the other day. Picked up the wrong bottle and accidentally filled the series squonker with 36mg nic salts. 4 toots later I found myself '#Juuling' as only as an American adolescent can.
On the whole, I preferred my adolescent illicit use of Tipex thinners preferable. Ah! Those halcyon days on the back table in biology lessons..
I've never used nic salt as I'm usually 1mg kinda guy but on the strength of this post I'm gonna drip some 20mg nic salt [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]
I've never used nic salt as I'm usually 1mg kinda guy but on the strength of this post I'm gonna drip some 20mg nic salt [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]
Do it!
The best 'high' ever!! [emoji2] [emoji23] [emoji2] [emoji23]
Actually, don't! [emoji16]
Is that just because they're able to go super high-nic though?

Yes, but they also have an extremely efficient draw that is close to that of a cigarette and a great way of delivering nicotine, plus great tasting pods. I'm hoping the UK JUUL will get a little bump in power to deliver 20mg efficiently.

They also look like they will price the pods and kits very keenly.

Any extra options on the market are a bonus.
Nic salts give that instant nic rush like a cigarette, thats what people switching to vaping want.
A JUUL delivers it simply and without any fuss, like a cigarette. Thats what people trying to quit want.
This has to be a good thing?
I vape almost pure pg to replace the throat hit, I just dont want the cigarette taste anymore.
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Definitely good news, but it's a shame that we are restricted to 20mg. #damntpd.
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