I got one of these today from myepack. No instructions of course, looked online there is a small hole under the centre pin to adjust air flow, great. I unscrew centre pin the little screw just screws and screws and doesn't catch, in the mean time the bottom turnable piece has fell off. Try to put the bottom piece on and it is only catching by 1 turn and the centre pin will not catch on anything, I am turning and turning and nothing is happenings.
My head is wrecked with this thing, I have been trying to get it fixed for this past 2 hours, I have pulled everything apart and put it back together but no good. Where am I going wrong?
My head is wrecked with this thing, I have been trying to get it fixed for this past 2 hours, I have pulled everything apart and put it back together but no good. Where am I going wrong?