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kayfun lite - bad deck?

Couldn't tell you mate. Would it be on the packaging anywhere?

Would be on the box. I only ask because some clones are better quality than others. I would contact the vendor and get a replacement it sounds like theres a problem with the deck on yours.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Just grabbed the box and it looks like it was made by SGS. Aye I know all clones aren't created equal, looks like i just got unlucky. Bloody typical that it's my first rba too lol.
I've got to say that I had the same thought as simonsays - the insulator under the positive block looks fooked. Have you dry burned a coil or coils on it? If you did you may have inadvertently melted the insulator. The piccie isn't very clear but it looks melted to me, and it looks as though the positive block is touching the deck in the second photo. That'll do it. :)

As an aside, that coil in the first build is likely to short out - it looks way too high off the deck not to make contact with the chimney section. I may be wrong (and probably am!), but just in case, I thought I'd mention it. :)
I've got to say that I had the same thought as simonsays - the insulator under the positive block looks fooked. Have you dry burned a coil or coils on it? If you did you may have inadvertently melted the insulator. The piccie isn't very clear but it looks melted to me, and it looks as though the positive block is touching the deck in the second photo. That'll do it. :)

As an aside, that coil in the first build is likely to short out - it looks way too high off the deck not to make contact with the chimney section. I may be wrong (and probably am!), but just in case, I thought I'd mention it. :)

I havent been able to fire it at all, every single build I've done has come up with "short/low load" on my vamo so none of the coils ive tried on there have actually heated up. The insulator looked like that out of the box, though just put it down to sloppy manufacture rather than defective build.

I've looked up close and the two blocks aren't touching so its not shorting out that way.

And yeah, that wasn't supposed to be a practical build, I just did a load of wraps and left long legs on to see if it would stop telling me the resistance is too low. I didnt even attempt to put the chimney on :)

thanks for the info though. I emailed myepack at lunchtime so hopefully should hear back from them soon
@MarcDJay - so the insulator under the positive block isn't melted? If you get a minute, unscrew the centre post and remove the block (it will fall off!) and take a piccie. If it is fucked, give me a shout and I'll send you a new one. I've got a few that I brought from the States, for exactly the same reason. :D

Of course, if myepack comes up trumps, stick with that as a solution. :D

EDIT: Just to clarify - this is the bit I think looks odd - the bit under the block. Also - check the underside of the deck where the centre post passes up through and connects with the positive block above - there should be a circular insulator there too to stop the centre pin making contact with the deck. Here's the piccie:

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Thanks for the offer EthelKing, I've just unscrewed the block as I've now got my screwie to hand, and the insulator looks ok. I'll try and reassemble it and test fire see if it works
Thanks for the offer @EthelKing, I've just unscrewed the block as I've now got my screwie to hand, and the insulator looks ok. I'll try and reassemble it and test fire see if it works

Bugger! So much for gut feeling then. :(

Let us know what occurs mate. :)
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