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Kayfun v4 help needed

A lot of the V4 clones seem to suffer from minor weeping out from the air holes ring. It's annoying. Going down the o-ring route ie chopping and changing, adding floss and/or different sized O-rings, may help, but it's a lot of faff, and not often a 100% fix.
I've accepted the "gliche" now, and have just got myself into the habit of -
1. closing the juice control when the device is not in use.
2. holding the device upside down when it's in my hand, between vapes.
3. having occasional, but regular, tokes whilst vaping, with the device tipped up so that the tank airspace is at the deck end while toking.

A bit of chore, but quickly becomes habit, and I don't get any weeping at all.
I have 3 kayfun 4s, one of which leaked. I simply replaced oring 16 with a 16mm 1.5 mm width oring, no more leaks :)
Will be ordering the base from fastech later to try this. One last question, what's the situation with filling? Same way as a kfl I'm assuming as there will be no juice control to turn off?

No, you need to use a needle and fill through one of the 6 juice holes.
Recently got a kayfun v4 purely because of the looks.

I'm well experienced with coil building as I also drip. The problem I have is it seems to leak very slightly I must be doing something wrong I tried new o rings as well to no avail. Seems to be a very small amount dribbling out the air hole now and again nothing major but it pisses me off.

It is a clone but a very good one all the treads are spot on very good detail etc right down to the packaging with the hologram and poster etc you would pass it off as a genuine one easily. So how can I get it to stop leaking I have tried more wick less wick juice control off when filling etc this might not bother most but it does me! Also with the air screw completely removed its still quite a tight draw for me, I have read you can buy a sub kit to increase air flow? Does anyone have one? If so does it make a big difference? Would love to use this as a daily because I love the way it looks.

Any help appreciated before i end up putting it up for sale!

I have experienced this a little myself and I have 3 of the buggers in various states of repair. Out of interest what % VG is leaking? If you put a tissue around the airflow holes and blow into the drip tip and clear any leakage, vape on and set it down (upright) how quick does the leakage return?

I took one of the standard ones to work as a spare in a small plastic bag with the juice control closed and when i opened the bag the next day it had definitely jizzed itself somewhere along the line. I reckon they don't like being horizontal (hunch).

I'm also not convinced about the whole 'keep the juice holes clear of cotton' theory as well as I've had better results with cotton over the holes and wicks that were oversized (I'm talking highish VG here) versus the traditional kayfun wicking logic. Whether this and being horizontal are contributing I don't know. The KF4 well mine anyway share some of the traits of a protank with having to turn it upside down to clear a gurgle and putting a tissue over the end of it and shaking it or blowing excess juice out. I had all of the above a lot when I was forgetting to turn the juice control closed when filling
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