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Kennedy ruby 25 absolutely zero flavour??

Or any flat ni80 but I can only recommend brochrome as its the only flatwire I have used, haven't ran out yet so haven't tried owt else, have it in all my mechs now and even a couple of rta's
Bit of a puzzle. Hard to avoid a flavoursome build in a Kennedy usually, makes me wonder what the liquid is ;)
Regardless, airflow in the Kennedy exits the tubes with more force at the inside edge of the tube [closest to the middle of the deck] - so if you cannot see the holes when looking down the drip tip you should be ok. Try putting the coils as close to the posts as you can get them. Morten Oen on Youtube has a detailed video explaining the real world physics of the Kennedy airflow if you're interested - he may not be completely right but worth a look if you have no luck otherwise.
If you have some 24awg Ni80 lying around, try a parallel build of 7 wraps around a 3mm id - that's how I currently have my Kennedy 24 set up. I'm also wondering about the juice as it's hard to fuck up on a Kennedy and your build looks okay, if a tad to much cotton ;)
I’ll definitely be watching that video thank you.
I’ve tried several juices in in, most recently wick liquor deja voodoo
If you have some 24awg Ni80 lying around, try a parallel build of 7 wraps around a 3mm id - that's how I currently have my Kennedy 24 set up. I'm also wondering about the juice as it's hard to fuck up on a Kennedy and your build looks okay, if a tad to much cotton ;)
I do have some 24g ni80 so I’ll give that a go and wick a little less generously haha.
Do you have a pic of your build please? Thanks
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