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KFL+ build/vape not yet how I want it

Ment Rob

Hey guys,

So I've spent some time this afternoon trying a different kind of build. Using pretty much all the advice you guys gave I decided to go for a spaced coil, aim for 1.2-1.3ohms (5 wraps of my 30 gauge kanthal on my 2.0mm coil maker), lift the coil even higher - around 4-5mm above the air hole, and more wick.

I did a build like this in my strawberry custard tank, my original KFL, and wow what a difference! The vape is much more how I want it. Between around 8.5-11 watts seems to work best for me. Plenty of cool, dense, flavourful vapour. Which is achieved without having to suck as if you're drinking a McDonalds milkshake. Nice and relaxed. The flavour is exactly where I want it to be as well, like the right notes are coming out of the juice - the warmer vape I was getting before made the juice taste slightly different.

So yeah, this is much more in the ballpark that I want it to be. I feel like I can make minor tweaks from here and get the vape exactly how I want it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply. This is much more like the Kayfun everybody talks about now.

I did do a setup exactly the same in one of my clones which I use for vanilla straight away after trying this setup. I'm pretty sure I've used too much wick though as, after the first couple of drags I was getting a burnt taste, which now won't go away. So I think I've used too much cotton, got a dry hit and burnt it and now need to re-wick.

I really need to invest in a Kayfill tool to make messing with builds easier. But much happier with this vape now. I think try a 2.5mm coil next, then work on perfecting my wick and I'll be all set.

Cheers guys!


No need for a Kayfil tool mate. Take the drip tip out, put a couple of layers of cling film over the 510 connector part, put the drip tip back in and open your Kayfun. No juice loss. Enjoy.
No need for a Kayfil tool mate. Take the drip tip out, put a couple of layers of cling film over the 510 connector part, put the drip tip back in and open your Kayfun. No juice loss. Enjoy.

That's what I've been doing so far, but I find sometimes either the chimney top stays in while the chimney unscrews, sometimes the whole chimney assembly comes out, sometimes the whole chimney assembly stays in. Seems to waste a little juice if the whole chimney comes out with the base.

On another note I've been playing with wicking today and am really suprised how much difference subtle changes in the length/thickness of the wick change the vape.

I currently have 3 of my KFLs set up. 2 of them are vaping wonderfully, exactly how I want them to. Pretty much like a Nautilus Mini on steroids. The other one is still getting some burnt tasting hits, so there must be something I haven't got quite right with the wicking. Going to have to tinker with that one this afternoon. Pretty sure I wicked it the same as the others, but it mustn't be sat right or something. For some reason it isn't wicking fast enough.
Man this thing is awesome once you get it set up right! So glad I persevered with it. Been happily vaping away on nothing but KFLs for the past few days now.

Tonight I'm going to take the 3rd one apart that keeps giving me the dry hits, take a look at the wick (which in my mind I set up exactly the same as the other 2) and see if I can figure out what slight difference there is which is making it not vape right.

Hopefully once I suss that out I'll be able to nail on my builds and get them consistently good from now on.

Never thought I'd say this but it might be time to retire the Nautilus' to the cupboard! :11::11:
Man this thing is awesome once you get it set up right! So glad I persevered with it. Been happily vaping away on nothing but KFLs for the past few days now.

Tonight I'm going to take the 3rd one apart that keeps giving me the dry hits, take a look at the wick (which in my mind I set up exactly the same as the other 2) and see if I can figure out what slight difference there is which is making it not vape right.

Hopefully once I suss that out I'll be able to nail on my builds and get them consistently good from now on.

Never thought I'd say this but it might be time to retire the Nautilus' to the cupboard! :11::11:

I got a KFL recently and it is a great vape , as for wicking I cut it so its sitting on the deck then I juice it up and gently push the bottom of the wick away from the juice channels .. no dry hits so far
Really informative thread this, gives some food for thought.

I've got 5 different Kayfuns (all clones), three I've coiled several times & they've been awesome & then, this past week, two I just can't seem to get right. Just as I thought I knew what I was doing, I show myself I must have fluked those early builds :D

The one main problem I have, is holding the coil in position whilst trying to get that first leg wrapped around the screw. I end up messing around to much causing hot spots on the coil and having to start again. Any tips for keeping it in position, apart from growing a third hand?

I use a building base to make things a little easier . I just have the coil on the screw driver I used to make the coil and hold it on the air hole till ive wrapped the legs round the screw s / tighten everything up then gently lift the coil off the deck (I'm far from a pro btw ;) ) leaving the legs a bit longer than you normally do may help ;)
Cheers man, any tip is appreciated! I usually build whilst the deck is on the ohm reader to keep things steady. Earlier I went & brought some precision screwdrivers so that I could have a longer handle, so I'll give that a crack tonight
Yeah defo keep the coil held on the screwdriver/coil jig while you screw it down. Helps keep it all in place.

I had too much wick in the Kayfun that was tasting burnt. Also two of the bits of coil were quite close together and not evenly spaced out like the rest of the coil. Re-wicked it with a little less cotton, sorted out the coil spacing, and now I'm getting muted flavour and little vapour. I think maybe I have pushed the cotton a bit too far away from the juice channels and it is having trouble wicking.

I swear I'm building it pretty much the same every time though.

Is it just me or is there a really fine line between too much cotton or too little cotton? There seems to be a fairly slim sweet spot and if you get it slightly wrong then this thing is really unforgiving.
How often would you say the wick needs changing? I have a 60pg/40vg strawberry custard which I vape. After about 3 tank fulls, so around 14-15ml it started tasting of ass. I took it apart and found the cotton was a deep orange hue, not burnt, but just discoloured. Rewicked it and topped up the juice in the tank and it's back to being a good vape again.

3 tank fulls is less than I was expecting for rewicking, but maybe it's the vg/pg ratio and sweet flavour gunking it up a bit quicker? In one of my other clones I use in nano mode I vape a very clear red astaire clone which is 70pg/30vg, so thinner, not as sweet and not coloured at all compared to the strawberry custard. I've vaped probably 12ml through that and haven't needed to rewick yet.
One word of recommendation, not advice as such, like many, I always coiled around precision screwdrivers. One day I was given a coiling jig, great idea, but not quite what I was after, been down the Coil Master route too, still not quite what I wanted......... Then, for literally Pennies, this arrived.


Invaluable!! Such a useful and simple tool. Highly recommended.;)
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