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Kingslayer 30ml

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Nov 3, 2013
I have been having problems with my front teeth on the inhale, and have pin pointed it to nicotine content, so I have a full 30ml bottle of the fantastic Kingslayer from @MrKraken in 12mg.

I bought 30ml, vaped the crap out of it, bought 50ml, and couldn't put up with the discomfort any longer, no matter how nice it is!
So I have filled a 30ml bottle to sell on (keeping about 10ml in the hope that I can vape it again one day).

Someone please buy this soon so I can order some more with zero nicotine!

£12.50 to your door. Paypal only please.
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Come on folks, I need this sold so I can get some low nic! I don't know how long I can vape unsteeped emergency DIY juice!

£12 posted?
I really wanna try this, anything you fancy trading for instead?
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