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Ladies & Gentlemen.......

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What as in you get jenny and the stingray? Or you have to do unthinkable things with me and her?
What as in you get jenny and the stingray? Or you have to do unthinkable things with me and her?

Could never take Jenny from you in any kind of trade but if your offering, in for a penny and all that ;)
Thinking a star wars title fits quite well here. The clone wars lol. We just have to decide what side genuine mod makers are.

Are they the rebel alliance and fast tech the evil empire. Or is it visa versa. But on this subject I'm sitting on the fence with the ewoks

the original makers are the evil empire
:thumbup:im just kiddin fellas i see the merit in both clones and originals and dont care what people toot on - as long as they're swapping the fags for the vape does it matter what equipment they use to vape with i think not.
No comment on the ps - we are not allowed to discuss that sort of thing remember;)
we will have to discuss that over in our quarantine,

but the rest sounds like fun.

although Jen paid for it so I think she'd want to watch.

It's only fair.

I know you're trying to make light of the situation, but after the kick off and the bullshit that was said to our Admins and Mods earlier in this thread, I don't particularly find this humorous.

This thread has run its course now peeps!
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