Not really. Somebody who insists of blowing large clouds of annoying washing up liquid bubbles would find themselves doing it outside pretty rapidly in many a place too if it was annoying people. There are probably no health risks attached to blowing bubbles with their innocuous Fairy chemistry either, although long term research has not been carried out on them so we cannot be certain until ever statistically malleable epidemiological studies and trials limited in conclusiveness by human rights laws have been carried out. [/ironic][/supportive_of_vaping].
I do admit the 'smoking' misnomer wasn't accurate or helpful, but then again I am a new vaper so the parlance I use is probably more in line with the general public on this issue than yours might be. 'Smoking' alcohol or heroin is vaping too, but people do tend to just call inhaling clouds of stuff 'smoking', for better or for worse... although I am sure we can all agree that these particular vaping analogies aren't things we want to carry forward in any argument about our kind of Vaping. But yes, sending vapers out to vape along with the smokers might be stupid in your eyes but not in the mind of a restaurant manager who has taken a booking for a table of 10 vapers who are annoying the crap out of everyone else after a few sherbets. Remembering we are not talking about an odourless, invisible thing here.
So the opportunity to educate is not in the form of proudly billowing (unless you are outside with the smokers), but to have everybody in that restaurant aware that that particular table was packed with people vaping and not perceive to have had their night affected negatively (because they and I are brainwashed etc etc). Particularly whilst the 'safety debate' PR campaign is in effect.
This discussion has everything to do with the OP too, because if an influential person or table of people get offended by an inconsiderate vaper or few then this could indeed influence their outlook.
Long term can mean that, and smoking is safe if there is a 12 month cut off, but long term studies can also involve much longer periods of time. I was being ironic anyway, I enjoy flicking through medical and physics research because some of the latter makes the former look like people whacking a pinata and seeing what comes out.Long Term in the medical field equals "longer than 12 months" There are plenty of studies out there that hold evidence of "Long Term" use as well as millions of surviving vapers world wide who have suffered no ill health effects from vaping.
If I want to blow clouds of vapour, I am going to. As far as I am concerned, I am not ashamed to be a vaper and if my clouds attract the attention, negative or not, it attracted SOME ONE's attention which means someons going to eventually ask questions which will hopefully bring them here where they can learn about vaping and not be made to feel like the lepers of society because they are no longer smokers, but proud ex smokers
I'll do what I have done for the last two years and not hide my vaper, create discussion and help inform people of the facts about ecigs and not some ill perceived smoking thought process bullshit
Look forward to having a vape outside of a pub with you with all the smokers in a few years time!
But of course you and everybody else is going to continue to do what they are doing, which is a bit disappointing if there are a lot of people saying that just being a teeny weeny bit careful is going to be more beneficial for everybody in the end because the opposite will help the spin doctors. I say this in the context of the futility of humanity itself, rather than a slight against anybody on this forum.
Look forward to having a vape outside of a pub with you with all the smokers in a few years time!
I asked if it was ok...READ MY POST!!!Weatherspoons? A group of establishment's known for not allowing vaping?
Personally, I wouldn't have vaped at all in a situation like that, no means no as far as I'm concerned.