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lipo to 20700 conversion

Thanks buddy. So I'll just need to wire up some lipo connecters (I think it's an xt30) to a battery tray and jobs a goodun?
Can't be done on a DNA200 it's a 2/3 cell mod so won't work with one. No option in Escribe. Don't go messing with the XT30 as it's live connection on the battery side. The balance charge socket/plug is highlighted on the photo
I was getting my terminology wrong! I was going to leave the lipo well alone. I just meant the connectors. But anyway, if it can't be done perhaps I look at giving it a clean with some ipa as you suggest and carry on as is. Thanks for all your help everyone
I was getting my terminology wrong! I was going to leave the lipo well alone. I just meant the connectors. But anyway, if it can't be done perhaps I look at giving it a clean with some ipa as you suggest and carry on as is. Thanks for all your help everyone
Unplug the battery from the mod and check the white plug on the battery side. Check the pins on the socket aren't corroded and give them both a good cleaning with IPA. If you can solder the board socket is easy enough to replace, JST type plug/socket amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07MD7GD6T/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Ahhh so that's what they're called; JST! I'll give it a go.
I managed it on a DNA250C and I'm a ham-fisted fecker :D. Broken pin on the board so only 2 cells were charging. On the Halcyon it should only need the faceplate removing, 2 screws, can't see any behind the board. I'd give it a good clean first as that may do the trick if the pins are in good condition.
if its that bad I have a DNA 200 board you can have as I won't use it.
And what I was thinking about, or was shown, must of been a twin battery tray they was using. (sorry for confusion mate).
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