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Live Chat


Oct 29, 2013
I've just seen this link in the navigation bar. All excited to get on there and chat and it says I don't have permission ;(
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yes we have a poll about it for when we can do a weekly schedule on the topics of the week. though the chat will be open 24/7 once up and running for just chilling and chatting we want to also have a weekly event too on there.
at moment its just being ironed out with the teething issues over permissions and hopefully soon will be all working
Just a quick question on the chat, mainly to the Mods/Admin, how will it be, if at all "monitored"? If say topics get out of hand etc? I wanted to add my opinions on a thread last night about certain vendors on here, but the thread was closed before I got chance. What are the rules in the chat lounge (sounds right posh that dunnit lol)?
as yet its still all new. ive been asked to organize a weekly chat session where we can discuss topics/events in the world of ecigs , but the rest if the time the chatbox will be open house to just chill and chat. obviously mods and admins cant be on 24/7 but im sure we can work something out to keep it from getting out of hand. until the chat is up and running its hard to say how that side of things will work as i dont know the format of the chat applet and its functions in regard to moderation. all will be revealed soon ( hopefully )
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