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Lockdown V3

I thought the ex Copper came across as most serving Coppers do unfortunately, It's not our Fault , we've got a hard job to do, the public are all potential law breakers, and the best one, the fines aren't a money making exercise, they're to save lives !!! Yeah right !!!
I thought the ex Copper came across as most serving Coppers do unfortunately, It's not our Fault , we've got a hard job to do, the public are all potential law breakers, and the best one, the fines aren't a money making exercise, they're to save lives !!! Yeah right !!!

your not wrong there he came across as a complete knobhead especially when he admitted he moved house yesterday 100 miles it was car crash telly at its best all we needed was someone to say they vaped and we would have had a straight flush
If they had said they only lived 1 miles away would they have let them carry on?

They were parked in the car park there to stop people using that space for exercise/walks to reinforce the "Stay at home message" I don't believe it has anything to do with how many miles they drove to get there.
I think the 5 mile thing was made up to justify this.

The ladies went out. Why couldn't they just walk round the block?
The ladies went out. What's the problem with going slightly off-local for exercise?
What is local?
What are the police supposed to do?
Pay the fucking fine, suck it up and use common sense.
Don't pay the fucking fine and go on This Morning for a laugh.
"Every flex is fatal" - what a cuntish thing to be said by Hancock who has done gold medal flexing along with his cunteagues for nearly a year.
The ladies went out. Why couldn't they just walk round the block?
The ladies went out. What's the problem with going slightly off-local for exercise?
What is local?
What are the police supposed to do?
Pay the fucking fine, suck it up and use common sense.
Don't pay the fucking fine and go on This Morning for a laugh.
"Every flex is fatal" - what a cuntish thing to be said by Hancock who has done gold medal flexing along with his cunteagues for nearly a year.

There's only one question that matters.

Did they put themselves or anyone else at a higher risk of catching or spreading the virus?

.... if not, then I don't understand. That is what this is supposed to be about after all.
Alfie’s had some doggy clippers delivered yesterday I’ve done my eyebrows with them we’ve been walking up and down our lane all day I even found a costa cup in the back of the van nothing not a thing no coppers no swat teams, loads of bloody walkers though I’m not happy why can’t I get on the telly

The Government have got to try and drag back some of the Revenue they've paid out somehow, although the estimated £600,000,000 they'll save in Pensions this year should help !!!
I'm not belittling covid-19 in any way, it's terrible but if I've understood this chart correctly. Why are we concerned about the number of deaths when this number die every year ? Surely I'm missing something.
I'm not belittling covid-19 in any way, it's terrible but if I've understood this chart correctly. Why are we concerned about the number of deaths when this number die every year ? Surely I'm missing something. View attachment 236781

I guess it depends on what you are trying to read into them.

I don't think most people are massively concerned with the overall deaths taken on their own.

.. but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try and reduce them. There's a lot of deaths on the roads each year, we try and reduce them with speed limits and seat belts.

At the moment, it's about hospitals not being able to cope with the amount of patients and trying to get the vaccines out.... the more the virus spreads the harder those jobs are, that's the concern.

I'm pretty sure the government don't care if you live or die on a personal level.. and neither should they really, they aren't your mum.
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