How do you feel about the way contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds, were given to companies that were set up by Tory patrons while companies that had been in business, providing PPE and medical supplies for years were ignored or told they were not needed ? A firm not far from me have been in the Medical supplies business for Fifty years, and were told thanks but no thanks, while a Firm owned by a Friend of a well known Tory Peer, that was rebranded and the name changed to include Med, was handed a contract worth 122 million pounds !!! at least the Mafia try to hide their shady dealings, but this crowd of thieving Tory Bastards have taken full advantage of the situation, and are taking the opportunity to line theirs, and their Croney's pockets, and not even having to try to hide it, because they are classing the awards as Emergency measures !!! I just hope when, or should I say If, this thing is ever over, there is a full enquiry, and they are held to account !!!