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Long time no talk


Apr 18, 2023
Hello everyone, sorry I have not been on for a long time. I have had a relapwoth my mental health. So farthers out there did you all have a good day mother's out there are you all having a good day/week and the rest off u all that don't fit in that category how are you all doing. Back on cheep pound shop nic liquids so coils are beeing battered will be snookered when my stock pile off them run out.
welcome back @Anthonyvaper

im used to premium juice so not had any of the cheaper out there for ages but theres still plenty about and a lot of people rely on them which i bet are probably better than the stuff from the pound shops.
few to have a gander
drip drop freebase £1 salts £3 https://www.dripdropvapour.co.uk/collections/10ml-e-liquid
LiQuid £1 https://www.onepoundeliquid.com/collections/original-1-e-liquids
88 vape £1 https://www.88vape.com/collections/one-pound-e-liquid
Thank you it's 88vape juice from poundshop
Thank you it's 88vape juice from poundshop
tyr the other two. must admit ive bought tons from drip drop back in the day and only found one or two that didnt suit me. all the others were great flavours.
tyr the other two. must admit ive bought tons from drip drop back in the day and only found one or two that didnt suit me. all the others were great flavours.
As soon as my payment from job centre comes in I will jump on and orders some
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