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Looking at getting a authentic billet box

You’re not far off mate, get chatting it could save you some cash, one of the listings comes with a couple of bridges including a Sxk Vapesnail.
Crack on I reckon you could make the posts you need today.
Just to dampen things I’ve been down the BB route and moved them on, nice form but too much faff, I’ve got tanks that are easier to get on with and perform better for me, the Vapesnail seems to alleviate some of the faff though.

I have a good selection of tanks... rtas and rdas... mods and mech tubes ... I’ve never really seen the point in the billet box but the majority of my current set ups and big cloud chasing jobs... I’ve calmed down a lot and gone over to the more tootle puffer style ... stealth vaping if you want to call it that ... the billet box it sort of the best of both worlds from what I read ... small enough and compact enough but not pod sized ... single 18660 which I have a abundance of .. coils to suit and obviously the building side is great when I have the time .... it might just be a faze I’m in but got to give it a whirl..
Probably the best route to take, there is no guarantee you would even get on with it, and buying a clone is the best way to find out...

Yeah o think that is the most financially ethical route as well... hahah
100 Posts open the magic door to the classy's.I think my first SXK clone was £109 but they've come down since then.But buy the 60w with the USB not the 70w without the USB.
You probably know that a clone comes with bridges so a few aspire BVC coils is all you need (AIO ones preferable) a new authentic BB doesn't come with squat.
100 Posts open the magic door to the classy's.I think my first SXK clone was £109 but they've come down since then.But buy the 60w with the USB not the 70w without the USB.

Yeah I’ve looked at that a the dna is the better chip I have a few dna mods already so well up to speed with then
Look into getting a condensation plug,when the boro is fitted and in use some sweat pools down in the bottom of the aperture in the mod that might get into the pin (electrics sealed with a washer) it's a known quirk and easily fixed with the plug or a small swab of cotton wool under the boro opposite side to the airholes.Seek out @Vapaneezer Scrooge he used to 3D print and sell them.Well them and covers.
Look into getting a condensation plug,when the boro is fitted and in use some sweat pools down in the bottom of the aperture in the mod that might get into the pin (electrics sealed with a washer) it's a known quirk and easily fixed with the plug or a small swab of cotton wool under the boro opposite side to the airholes.Seek out @Vapaneezer Scrooge he used to 3D print and sell them.Well them and covers.

Does he sell them on eBay.. I come across a few things online that was 3D printed .. really good price as well ... I’ve got a list of bits I’m going to get .. if I can get one on the classies then I’ll see what I get ... then order a sea of bits and bobs ... become a billet box champ then realise that it’s not me Hahahah nah I tho k I will get on well with a bb
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