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Looking for a kit

The contents seem fine, though I suspect the component parts could be sourced more cheaply. From UK companies (before any discounts) the most you'd pay for CE4s separately is around £5 each, the eGo batteries around £10, the charger cables are about £3 and of course USB plug adapters are readily available from anywhere (if you don't have one already).

Evods don't cost much more than CE4s, but are more cost effective in the long term because when a coil burns out, only the head needs replacing, rather than the entire clearomiser
Got any links man? I'm not sure where the best prices for stuff is and what works together. I'd go for Evods if they're better and not much more expensive. I want 2 batteries (Not bothered about VV as long as they're decently sized batteries), a clearomizer (or two) and a charger of some sort for as cheap as possible from within the UK.
I might be tempted to get at least one Evod as well - offers a bit of choice - you could always get more later. I got my Evod from ebay (just don't search for e-cigs, as ebay block items with those phrases in the titles)
Sorry - I lied. That kit has 2 atomisers and 5 cartridges - therefore I'd perhaps get that kit and 2 evods

This one is one ego and clearomiser for £7.49 free delivery - 2 of these would be just £15 and an extra charger cable. The juice is zero nic, so you'd want to get some from elsewhere. Get a couple of evods for around £5 each - that's 4 clearomisers, 2 900mah batteries, 2 charger cables for around £25
There are quite a few vendors in the marketplace here. I've been mixing my own from the start, so I can't advise on the pre-mixed vendors, but there are many threads on the different brands.

Get a bit of a choice - sometimes you can be surprised which flavours you like best. I got loads of concentrates of flavours I love to eat, but found that ones I got less of were great to vape.

Some flavours are tank crackers (threads on these), so best to avoid those until she progresses to a pyrex tank.

Personally, I love the butterscotch & maple flavours. Grape was a surprise favourite. Though I really like cherry, I haven't found a cherry vape yet with much flavour. Banana comes through well, but some of these can be tank crackers. Pineapple and mango also seem to come through well. Very much a personal thing - I've never used tobacco flavours (which I find helps with getting off the fags, as the real thing becomes a disappointment when you've got used to inhaling plumes of coffee maple or something - but that might just be me)
Forgive me for being daft, but on those Evod things it says you can replace the atomizer head so you don't have to throw the whole thing away; where do you get replacement heads?

EDIT: Tank crackers? Where can I read about this? What's a pyrex tank? Is it worth buying one from the get-go?

So confused :(
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