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Looking for a kit

Once again, the eGo is the first and most recommended e-cig for new people, and for good reason. The 510 threading allows for the largest selection of atomizers, cartomizers, tanks, etc. Also, the smallest eGo battery I have seen was around 650 mah and I have seen them as large as 1000 mah. Mah, by the way, stands for milliampere-hour and is a measurement of electrical charge. The higher the mah, the longer the battery will last in between charges. Some days, I would go nearly two entire days on one 1000 mah battery.
Re the Evod - I paid a little more for one that was described as genuine Kanger.

By the way, the £7.49 ego/clearomiser is £9.99 with no nic juice - so go for no juice and buy that separately.

I'm going to get one of those myself!

Are those genuine items? I can't help but think there's a reason why they're £7.49 but the batteries alone are more expensive elsewhere?

To sum up what I'm looking for:

Kit for someone that smoked heavily for 30+ years
Want 2 decent lasting batteries, good clearomisers and some sort of charger

I don't mind buying everything separately, but the last thing I want to do is buy non-genuine items.
My Egos aren't Joytech, but they work great. I ordered one of those £7.49 ones the other day - if you want to hang on a few days, I can put it through its paces and report back.

Ego has become a type of battery, so it's not so much a "fake" if it's not branded Joytech, it's just an Ego type.

by the way - that steel one seems to have run out - the same seller does black or a kit of 2 with one charger

You could have a hunt around and get the individual components separately and track down original brands - which may well be cheaper than a kit (especially as you were looking at a choice of clearomisers anyway)
Joytech clearomisers (clearomizers)
Not sure what branding original CE4s have - lots of clones about - varying standard I suspect
Kanger Evods
Ego's as mentioned great kits to start with if size isn't an issue. To get your kit all in one package the ROK Legend is good as is the Jacvapour Vgo2 kits. Used both but I would probably go for the Legend!
Whatever you do, don't buy vaping gear from ebay. Ebay rules prohibit the selling of e-cig stuff on ebay (unless they've changed them very recently) so if the vendor is breaking those rules it makes you wonder what else they're not doing. Batteries and chargers are fine, but eGos and clearos and stuff aren't supposed to be sold there per ebay policy.

The PoTV Marketplace is a great place to look for vaping stuff and you should find some good deals there. Pretty much any of the vendors that post on PoTV are good people who will sell you reasonable kit.

As far as decent quality goes get an eGo that is Joyetech SmokTech or Vision branded and you can't go far wrong. If someone is selling an eGo + charge cable + clearo for £7 stay well clear.
For an easy to use atomiser to go with eGo batteries get Kanger Evods or Vision Vivi Nova Minis as those will fit nicely on an ego battery diameter wise. Vivi Novas are slightly easier to refill as you fill from the top filling evods can be a bit of a faff the way you need to fill from the bottom and tilt and not get any juice down the centre post if you fill from a dropper bottle.

Definitely take a look through the Marketplace here though.
got the new Ego today and it's working fine with the 1.8ohm head on my existing Evod. Not enough power for the pre-installed head in one of the new Evods, but my existing Egos are struggling there as well, so I'm guessing it's a pretty high resistance (the new Evod works well with my new Twist).

Still to find out how it fares on capacity (it's advertised as 900mah, so I'd expect it to last until at least tomorrow evening based on my other 900mah).

My first Ego was from the market, and was a very similar unbranded kit (just a lot more expensive) - I've moved on to various other branded individually sourced items since, but haven't seen any difference in the range of Egos I have (had 3 so far - putting 3 more and a passthrough through their paces today). The only one that's failed so far is the first one- when I sat on it!
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got the new Ego today and it's working fine with the 1.8ohm head on my existing Evod. Not enough power for the pre-installed head in one of the new Evods, but my existing Egos are struggling there as well, so I'm guessing it's a pretty high resistance (the new Evod works well with my new Twist).

Some Evods come with 2.4ohm resistance heads pre-installed running that high resistance on a 3.7v fixed voltage eGo means you're getting less than 6watts, which is going to be a bit weak. You can get replacement heads for Evods at 1.5ohm which give a 9wattish vape on a fixed 3.7v device or 1.8ohm resistance which works out at about 71/2 watts.

The biggest difference between brand name eGos and cheap alternatives is basically build quality. A decent eGo will weigh more than a cheap one as it has (usually) a bigger more robust battery inside it. Some of the really cheap ones say they are x mah but fall well short. Some of the really cheap eGos turn out to be fine. It's a bit of a lottery though. You'll also find that cheap devices use a lower grade of battery inside. Lower grades of battery give shorter lifespans and are more susceptible to shorting out or catching fire while charging.
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