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Looking for a small mod changeable battey

I reccomend a pack of battery wraps aswell. You might not need any for months but best to have at hand when you do.
Yup already got one of them

A proper dedicated external charger that you put the batteries in to charge - not one you plug into your mod?

Say, something like:

pdg I've got two of them now. best money I've ever spent.

They're so much more reliable than the charge controller in a mod, and look after the batteries better too.

I know some people don't like the xtar chargers, but some don't like the other options either...

Imo, should be viewed as an essential if your batteries come out ;)
+1 for the VC4, I bought mine 2 years ago, use it most days and it's still like new. Does the job properly, this one.
When I used RTA's I used a Pico 25 for when I was out and about and it was awesome. The vaporesso SWAG 2 would have been my next purchase once the Pico became too battered. However I am now officially a squonker and the rest is history
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