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Looking to Build my first mod


May 14, 2016
Hey guys, been vaping for a while now but new to POTV.

I was wondering if anyone knows of anyone decent in the UK who could build the casing for a mod design that I've been working on? I'm not the handiest when it comes to metalwork, however I'm pretty savvy with a soldering iron.

The design is very intricate yet perhaps a tad cliche, but me and an amigo were planning on having a mod designed like a .44 magnum running an evolve DNA200 chip with 3 18650 batteries powering the device. If someone could point me in the direction of someone with the required skills I would be very grateful!

Cheers :)
Blimey - that's a tad beyond a lot of us, but there is a mod-maker's section of the forum where you might find some help?
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