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Mech squonk batteries


Feb 2, 2017
So I've decide to have a go at the squonking side of things and most of the squonk boxes I like are fully mechanical.

So a couple of questions really that the more experienced guys could jump in on please

1) I currently use LG HB2 in my reg mods will these be ok in the mech?

I know it depends on the build but I usually build around .3 up to .5

2) as I have no real control over the wattage in one of these is this a good place to be building at or will I need to aim for a different range

3) what sort of battery like would I be looking at in a single battery mod? This is really something for around the house but still be good to know if I'll be getting a sensible time or needing to buy a thirty bay charger and batteries to get through a film of an evening [emoji23]

Anything else I should know? I tend to find a build I like and stick to that so don't plan on pushing the limits on the mech but their simplicity does appeal!

Thanks for you help guys an girls [emoji106]
1. your batteries should be ok building at that range they are 20a....however I would suggest getting a new set of samsung 25r or sony vct a's.... and keeping the LG's for regulated....have a look at fogstar.
2.use this http://www.steam-engine.org/modrange.asp
3. depends on the wire used.... straight kanthal can be battery hungry...look at cotton bacon competition wire/Nife and the like....again use steam engine
@weepapagirlrappers thanks yeah I was thinking about getting some more batteries I'll check out fogstar[emoji106] I did some reading up and the 0.5 seemed to be a safe range but obviously with a mech it get a bit more complicated.

When you say straight kanthal can be hungry do you mean heat up time etc?

Thanks again
@weepapagirlrappers thanks yeah I was thinking about getting some more batteries I'll check out fogstar[emoji106] I did some reading up and the 0.5 seemed to be a safe range but obviously with a mech it get a bit more complicated.

When you say straight kanthal can be hungry do you mean heat up time etc?

Thanks again

yeah...ramp up/heating time....more so if using fancy big fk off coils....claptons and the like.
another option is to ask @smut who makes good coils....not sure of the wire used though..but ask anyway...I have been meaning to try em
Anything mechanical I use LG HB2 or HB6. They're true 30a CDR batteries and can take quite a bit of abuse when pulsed.

My mech squonker currently has dual parallel 24awg NI80 coils. 3mm ID 5-wraps which is 0.08ohms. I don't expect anyone to follow my example at all but it gives an indication of what the battery can handle.
First off do please start reading up on how to use a mech mod safely. You'll need to understand Ohms Law and how the coil you build affects the power out put levels.
Next, do a bit more reading up and watch a few youtube tutorials on mechs!

Then if you still want a mech device, then order some VTC5a cells from the damned finest kind @Ben fogstar , 4 should do you.
Next, get some 0.4 and 0.5mm Nichrome, lets not have you making SS coils the now. Again, have a read up on why mech folks use Ni80/Nichrome and SS for coils.
Have a go on the Steam Engine page already mentioned and get a feel for what gives what, well worth time spent on here.

So a nice quiet day for you so far...
Thanks for the input guys I'll defo get some more batteries and I've been watching lots of videos so I'll keep doing that and keep learning!

Currently I use either kanthal 24awg or more often than that 26awg x2 fused with ni80 that were made for me.

Safety is my main concern as my wife is keen on my face staying in one piece lol

I don't ever build bellow .25 even on a regulated mod and use SE for checking my builds but I just know I won't enjoy using it if I feel like I have a grenade in my hands!

If anyone has any specifically good videos they can recommend shout them out[emoji106]

Mech won't be here for a few weeks so I have plenty of time to plan and get things in order [emoji4]
@smut your coils keep coming up mate ! I just had some made a few days ago but do you have a site or anything where I can check yours out ?
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