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Mechanical mods and should I get one.


Mar 23, 2014
Hey all, I've always been a bit unsure about the point of mechanical mods, like why I should get a device that doesn't have all the functions of say my vamo or my mvp but recently I have learned more about rebuildables and have bought an Omega RDA. So other than the high build quality and durability etc is the main purpose of mech mods so that I can do stuff like build sub ohm coils? I'm considering picking up a Nemesis mod after pay day and trying to build like .6 to .8 ohm coil, I hear that'll get me a really good pull of vapour? Lol to condense that all into a question, is buying a mech mod and sub ohming worth the cost? Or will say a 1.5 ohm coil on my Omega connected to my vamo give me just as good a vape?
Often wondered the point of them myself - then bought 4 from FT over the last 3 days!

To be honest, the big draw on them was looks - but an advantage for me would be size - with a little 18350, the copper Nemesis is going to be a lovely out & about set up
I totally get the looks thing, I saw an Omega on a Nemesis and was just like wow that looks epic. But tbh I don't think an 18350 would last me all day, I am a complete vape train like, I never stop haha.
There is definitely more of an art that comes with coiling for mech mods, I skipped out the vv step and went straight from ego to mech, I love it
I've gotten reasonably comfortable with building coils, I've recoiled most of my tanks etc with cotton builds - but I usually build like 1.5 to 2.0 ohm coils and use a vv device to get a good vape out of them, but what I'm really wondering is, is building sub ohm coils as good as it made out to be? I hear like a .6 ohm coil on a mech can produce outrageous amounts of vapour.
You don't have to sub-ohm. Egos put out about 3.7v I think, and I can get a good vape above 2ohms on an ego (though ideal 1.5-1.8ohm). I'm not anticipating going sub-ohm (but then, I said that about mechs until last week)
I always take spare batteries out with me anyway - and of course a mech will be smaller than a regulated mod even with 18650
Yeh I can get a good vape without going sub ohm, but what I mean is how good is sub ohming? It seems to yield ridiculous amounts of vapour, which is what I'm after :D
If you are comfortable building coils, then go for it.

For lower Ohms, try fewer coils or a thicker wire. My personal favourite (at the moment) is 0.32mm which I coil to anywhere between 0.8 and 1.2. Seems to be about one wrap around a 2mm screwdriver to 0.2 ohms, so nice and easy to work out.

If you are planning to go sub ohm, make sure you have appropriate batteries. Purple Efests, Sony VTC4 (I think) or MNKE high drain, as we don't want you blowing your face off :P
Yeah the one thing that is still worrying me is using the right batteries lol, but do you think I could get an equally good vape using like a 1.2 - 1.5 ohm cotton build on a VV mod as I could using a sub ohm cotton build on a mech? Also I take it a kick is pointless for sub ohm coils?
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