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mechanical or vv/vw


New Member
Feb 21, 2014
which is better?either mechanical or vv/vw?too many atty and mods in market now and i just donno what to pick
In my limited knowledge I would say both are as good as each other, some will swear by mechs some by vv/vw it's a bit horses for courses, depending on what you want to do
I think, if you're still at a stage where you have to ask, it's VV/VW (I include myself in that group).
I still can't see the advantage of having to faff around with precision resistance readings because the mech mod has a fixed output.
Gimme flexible power that allows for flexible coiling anyday.
Life's too short to spend most of it buggering about with ohms!
However, there are people who LOVE all that faff - it is for them that the mech mod exists!

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It depends on what you want to stick on top of them.

I always use DCT carto-tanks on my mech mods, and they are always 1.5ohms so I have no need to up the voltage.

Obviously the voltage drops during the day, but I don't really notice the difference.

I prefer the mechs for their simplicity, they are also smaller and there's much less to go wrong.

And finally, they are much cheaper, an M16 from Fasttech is under a tenner.

No faff involved with ohms,recoiling various clearo's previously for use on the Vamo gave me all the information I required for building the coil on my Russian/RSST/Aga-S.I use the same wire/wound on the same former/the same number of wraps gives me the same resistance every time.This allows me to check for shorts on the Vamo/multimeter & then stick it on my Kylin for portability(Kylin half the weight/size of Vamo)
No faff involved with ohms,recoiling various clearo's previously for use on the Vamo gave me all the information I required for building the coil on my Russian/RSST/Aga-S.I use the same wire/wound on the same former/the same number of wraps gives me the same resistance every time.This allows me to check for shorts on the Vamo/multimeter & then stick it on my Kylin for portability(Kylin half the weight/size of Vamo)

This is my thinking, I'm about to make the move to mech (sloooooooooowtech) and thought that my Sigelei would give me all the resistance/short information I needed to know what I'm going to get out of my mech.
ive just switched from vv/vw to mech.......and, ive got to be honest, mech is the way for me.....

i gave away my vamo, and my svd a few weeks ago, and use my nemesis more or less 24/7, although i still have my mvp2 to read resistance, and sometimes to take out if im out for a good while.

The difference? well......using my taifun on the nem is outstanding, and using microcoils with cotton takes a little longer then changing an iclear30 head. And the flavour is awesome...seriously, when you get a mech, you'll wonder why you waited so long to do it :D

Dont be put of with building coils.....micro coils are the easiest to do.....plenty of youtube vids to show you, but if a ham fisted fella like me can do them then so can you......i build mine with 5 wraps and get 1.3ohms, although the one i have in the taifun now is 3 wraps and 1ohm and it is just out of this world.

Get on FT, get a Nem, a taifunGT for £28 or the kfl get onto stealthvape for your wire, and boots for your cotton.....and your away
I have mechs and vv/vw and i like to use the mechs when i am in my cabin, otherwise at work/ out and about i prefer my vw mods.
Mechs are the way ahead for dripping, i am still to get in on RBA's properly, and having a hell of a time with my ithaka clone.
VV/VW is perfect for iClears and Protanks etc.

To the OP if your not sure, then go with a VV/VW device, see how you get on with it, and then buy a cheap dripper from the likes of stealthvape, then see how you get on with that.

Now, here is the crunch, IF you go for the VTR (which is VV/VW) you also need 18650 batteries and a charger, but, BUUUUT, you then have batteries and a charger if you want to go down the mech route ;)

I hope that info hasn't caused your head to explode, and welcome aboard the best forum on the planet!
It's no real faff rebuilding a kayfun. I can drain the tank, wash it then recoil and refill it in 10 minutes flat. Even the simplest of silica builds at about 1.2ohms will knock spots off any clearo/VW combo that I've tried so far. That includes the newer BDC tanks.

Having said this, if I was considering moving up from ego's I would certainly spend some time with a VV / VW device first before considering the mech option
If you do not know which to pick, it means you need to pick a variable voltage/variable wattage device. :P
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