ive just switched from vv/vw to mech.......and, ive got to be honest, mech is the way for me.....
i gave away my vamo, and my svd a few weeks ago, and use my nemesis more or less 24/7, although i still have my mvp2 to read resistance, and sometimes to take out if im out for a good while.
The difference? well......using my taifun on the nem is outstanding, and using microcoils with cotton takes a little longer then changing an iclear30 head. And the flavour is awesome...seriously, when you get a mech, you'll wonder why you waited so long to do it
Dont be put of with building coils.....micro coils are the easiest to do.....plenty of youtube vids to show you, but if a ham fisted fella like me can do them then so can you......i build mine with 5 wraps and get 1.3ohms, although the one i have in the taifun now is 3 wraps and 1ohm and it is just out of this world.
Get on FT, get a Nem, a taifunGT for £28 or the kfl get onto stealthvape for your wire, and boots for your cotton.....and your away