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MEPs undecided about whether to support ecigs - please write!


Sep 6, 2012
This was posted on our Facebook page:

My Liberal Democrat colleague Rebecca Taylor MEP, who is a substitute member of the Parliament’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, is monitoring the proposal on behalf of the LibDems. She has extensive experience in the field of public health and is still examining the issue of nicotine-containing products and has not yet taken a position on this particular part of the Directive. Over the coming months she will be looking at a range of studies and meeting various experts and stakeholders in order to have as sound an understanding of the issue as possible.

If you have a few minutes, please write! http://www.sarahludfordmep.org.uk/contact and http://www.rebeccataylor.eu/contact/
:) You could always send her this way to get involved with real users and real people :D
Well I dont know if it will do any good, but here is my email: -

Dear Ms Ludford,

Upon my usual daily trawl of the internet, in amongst looking at' cute cat picture's and the odd funny clip on Youtube, I came across a message on a forum, explaining that you were seeking information in respect of the upcoming EU directive looking at the future of eCigs. Now I felt compelled to write this email in response to that call. Unfortunately, I cant give you facts and figures, I am not a stakeholder, and I am certainly not an expert, although, I can point you in the direction of some! But what I can give you, is the insight, and the personal benefits I have encountered since using them. I appreciate you are really busy, and have a demanding schedule, but all I ask, is you take a little time to read this, so please desist from hovering over the 'delete' button, and give me a chance.

I am a father of 2 kids, aged 42, getting fatter and going grey, I have worked all my adult life, and have always done the best I can by my family, not always got the desired results, but hey thats life. However, the one thing that I have always regretted is that I took up smoking. I had been a smoker for 24 years, I have tried without success every NRT on the market. It always starts the same way, determination to succeed, gear up to the big day, start, and then fail miserably. Letting all those people in my life that mean something to me down, not only does that knock your confidence, but makes you feel a total failure.

I then grasp at straws, well I have friends, I have family, I have a good job, I am a success, right? No, the one piece of the jigsaw puzzle is missing, Im not complete, because I smoke.

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across the use of eCigs or Vaping, did some research, joined a very informative forum, and spoke to some suppliers. May I hasten to add that no one tried to sell the concept to me along with any products. I started to see that this could be my way of breaking free from Tobacco, no longer did I feel alone with my experiences or desire to quit, I saw what it had done for others.

In January, I took the plunge, I purposely bought a kit that did not look like a cigarette, and started to use it. The first time I put it to my lips and inhaled, my life changed in an instant. I have not touched tobacco since. My life has changed, I feel happy, bordering on smugness. I can smell again, I can taste again, I can even hear the birds chirping in the morning. But most important of all, is the relief I see on my kids faces, that I have taken the first steps to quitting for good. I have started to reverse the negative health effects that come as a part of the package from smoking. Getting a hug off my daughter without her moaning I smell, is really up there with things that I have achieved.

Now I know, there are some unknown quantities with Vaping, and more tests have to be undertaken, and whilst I do not have a list of letters after my name, or studied a doctorate, it does not take a professional to work out a few things.

1. I have a NRT spray here, that I purchased over the counter of a well known pharmacy, and the list of ingredients is over twice what I inhale from vaping. Of the 4 ingredients that are in the mixture I use, all 4 are present in the spray, as well as plenty of others. So if the NRT spray is deemed medically safe, then there is a better chance, that the liquid dare I say it is safer.

2. The carcinogenics that are contained in amongst the 4000 chemicals in normal cigarettes are not present in vaping in any form. Therefore, even in the simplest terms, Vaping is safer.

Please I am asking you to really consider the people like me and countless thousands of others who have found an escape from the slavery of tobacco by this means, because my future optimism is only tempered by the worry that the wrong decision will be made by yourselves. This will result in thousands of people like myself returning to tobacco, and again putting our health at risk, and feeling yet again as a failure in life. This will also 'close an avenue' to future sufferers to experience the wonders of the journey that I have made.

I really hope this has given you a very small insight into the benefits that vaping has given me, coupled with the bigger 'feelgood' factor, and if I can help or assist in any way possible, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and wish you all the best in coming to the best conclusion in this matter, and if and when you get 'bogged down in facts and figures', please just remember people like me, and that cute cat pictures are an excellent way of reducing that stress!

Kind regards,

AndyC1971 (Real Name used of course!)

Just have to wait and see..... :)
Andy - that is absolutely brilliant mate! "One man's tale" - everything I feel and have experienced in one sincere, open letter. I salute you Sir, and will follow your example. Well done mate. :D
Thank you for your kind comments :)

I might be 'pi$$ing in the wind' but any little chance to get people to understand it from anothers perspective has got to be taken, right??

Now I wish I could reel off facts and figures, and refer to directives and legislation, but I cant. Not only because I am new to this, but to me thats not what life is about. Life is about trying to live it to the full, make a difference and to learn by your mistakes. That doesnt make my feelings or opinions any less important than anyone elses including those in 'power'.

I have a duty the same as everyone else on this forum to fight this stupid legislation, and whilst people like you have the art to recite these facts and figures, I can assure you, I will be standing next to you shoulder to shoulder 'supporting' in my own little way. :friends:
Andy - that is absolutely brilliant mate! "One man's tale" - everything I feel and have experienced in one sincere, open letter. I salute you Sir, and will follow your example. Well done mate. :D

+1 from me also Well done AndyC1971 great letter and bringing the human storey to the EU faceless bureaucrat = Priceless
Thanks all, it has made me wonder and think if there is anything I can do, to assist with the cause. I would really like to become more active :)
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