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Microcoil cotton burning :(


Jul 26, 2013
After months of everyone raving about microcoil and cotton setups I thought fek it.

Got some organic cotton pads from boots and already had some .32 kanthal, coiled the wire around a little screwdriver, around 7-8 wraps I think, mounted it on my kayfun squeezed pulsed ect till it was glowing consistently from the inside out and I was rather happy with it 1.3ohms. Now the cotton, cut off a sliver pointed one end and threaded it through cut to length about a mm from the base not blocking the juice Chanel's at all filled her up and it was great loved the flavour and vapour even at 3.7volts it was brill, it was official I was a convert.

Then my most feared thing ever happened the cotton ran dry and it burned urrggggg yakk (I feel like I've violated my lungs with scorched cotton smoke) nooooooo. What did I do wrong? The only way I can vape it is my manually taking a harsh drag without firing the battery to pull juice into the chamber, why is the chamber not filling :(

The only thing I can imagine is the cotton has swollen that much it's blocked the Chanel's, but it was only a sliver and no where near the Chanel's, wasn't even touching the base :(

This is exactly why I was afraid of trying cotton
wasn't even touching the base :(

There's your problem.

When you cotton wick a KF the cotton needs to be touching the base so that when the juice seeps into the channels it can get to the wick.

If it doesn't it goes dry and then it burns.
So that's different to silica then isn't it, with silica wick many people have advised to be slightly off the base so I did the same with cotton
Ok put some more cotton in this time it's touching the base on both sides and same issue the juice well simply isn't filling up unless I sharply inhale to pull it through, again the cotton burned :/ it's not a thick juice just 50/50. I guess at least when this happens with silica there's no risk of inhaling toxic fumes.
You didn't roll the cotton too tight? Needs to be loosely rolled otherwise it doesn't wick properly also not too tight in the coil you should be able to pull it through with just a little resistance
After months of everyone raving about microcoil and cotton setups I thought fek it.

Got some organic cotton pads from boots and already had some .32 kanthal, coiled the wire around a little screwdriver, around 7-8 wraps I think, mounted it on my kayfun squeezed pulsed ect till it was glowing consistently from the inside out and I was rather happy with it 1.3ohms. Now the cotton, cut off a sliver pointed one end and threaded it through cut to length about a mm from the base not blocking the juice Chanel's at all filled her up and it was great loved the flavour and vapour even at 3.7volts it was brill, it was official I was a convert.

Then my most feared thing ever happened the cotton ran dry and it burned urrggggg yakk (I feel like I've violated my lungs with scorched cotton smoke) nooooooo. What did I do wrong? The only way I can vape it is my manually taking a harsh drag without firing the battery to pull juice into the chamber, why is the chamber not filling :(

The only thing I can imagine is the cotton has swollen that much it's blocked the Chanel's, but it was only a sliver and no where near the Chanel's, wasn't even touching the base :(

This is exactly why I was afraid of trying cotton

I'm going to say this only once .. and its my opinion only ...

Cotton ... is a: flammable and b: tastes like shit

I absolutely don't get why anyone would want to use it.
may I throw a theory into the fray...
as a new user to rocket/kayfun/russian goodliness, I did similar, and had a similar experience (dry wicking)
IN my defense, I was just lazy, and had not set the airflow correctly. This IS what happened to me, and I DID fix it this way, so if it doesnt make sense so be it.

The device is a vacuum system. Liquid is in a state where it cannot go anywhere or do anything until air is introduced into the system. The only force that acts upon it is when you suck/inhale.

In my situation, I had the airflow wide open, such that when I sucked the air would go right through the chamber, up the pipe and into my gob. Lovely. but no negative pressure was created by my sucking to help draw in any liquid. So although I believed my wicks to be ok, although everything was nice and tight, although all of this was taken care of, when I sucked, in the chamber, any vacuum my sucking was creating was immediately filled by the air coming from the bottom. Nothing was acting on the liquid to help draw it into the chamber.

A few simple turns on the airflow controller to bring it the the point of there being a small resistance to my sucking meant
1) When I sucked, I could suck harder than the kayfun could supply, there was an imbalance
2) This excess imbalance helped suck more juice into the chamber.

If the above sounds a bit weird, just imagine what would happen with the airlfow totally closed, and you gave it a good suck. No doubt juice would come into the chamber, as air COULDNT. So while a lot has been written about wicks and whatnot regarding the kayfun, care should be taken on the airlfow side too, as sucking on the mouthpiece does have an effect on juice entering the chamber
or not.
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No the cotton isn't rolled too tight I don't think, and it went through the coil with only a little resistance so it was snug but not tight, I guess I'm only using cotton because I want to microcoil every microcoil tutorial I've seen have used cotton, I would love a silica microcoil set up but don't know how to do this
Vern i have kayfun lite original so no airflow control, this model is meant to provide the perfect balance out of the box. Although your right if I did have airflow control tightening the draw would indeed solve my problem :/
@Vern i have kayfun lite original so no airflow control, this model is meant to provide the perfect balance out of the box. Although your right if I did have airflow control tightening the draw would indeed solve my problem :/

have you tried it with silica ?
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