Can someone explain in real beginner terms of the differences between a mod, semi mod etc ? I see some units have variable wattage while others don't, some use a single cell and some can take two.
Semi mech means it has a chipset that will prevent accidents that a Mech mod could encounter. so a mech with safety.
Mech mod is basically power from the actual battery straight to atomizer, there are a few forms which i will speak about in a moment. Mech mods can be dangerous if the user isn't up to scratch with ohm's law, which is a must to prevent bad accidents.
Series mech, this is when the batteries use the ampage of both batteries together so if you will way more powerful and you need to keep builds above 0.4-0.5 or you will be pulling to much power from the batteries which can damage them or at worst create a problem like a fire or explosion.
Parallel mech is duel batteries again but the power is the same as a single battery but you got 2 batteries which means you can build slightly lower than a single battery Mech but you get twice the runtime nearly. Being new to vaping and having no knowledge of mechs my advice is dont try and run before you can walk. Get your head round ohm's law, learn how batteries work ie more amps less runtime more runtime less amps. Amps matter more in mechs than runtime, for safety reasons.
Stacked mod is similar to a series mod except the batteries in a series mod are side by side one battery up one battery down this means the power from battery one is pulled through battery 2. A stacked mech is a mech mod tube with an extra tube to fit a second battery using a contact in between the minus of one battery and the positive of the other. Again this creates a series mech so more power.
Batteries. Depends on how low a build you want to go. Most 18650's will require 25 amp batteries a 0.2ohm coil or build. 18350 10.5 amps 0.4ohms and above. 21700 you can get down as far as 0.12 with a 35amp rated battery.
Coil builds example single coil 0.8 becomes a 0.4ohm duel coil build .
One thing with mechs nowadays is they cannot put out as much power as a 200w mod. even 35 amp batteries only create 147watts.