Whilst nowhere near as much choice as there now is, in "some" respects perhaps life was a bit easier in my early days?
Basically there were Mechs, Tubes, call them what you will. VW/VV was very much in its infancy and such devices were far beyond the pockets of most mere mortals. We all learned our ohms law and then learned to built to suit our batteries, or to control vapour production etc. Remarkably few of us came to any harm and certainly never "Blew our faces, or hands off".
Innokin came along with the first affordable "Box Mods" that offered VW/VV and a heady 15 watts of undiluted power!!
But realistically, the vast majority of us were producing more power with our mechs, so the appeal of Regulated was actually the opportunity to turn things DOWN believe it or not
Some of the Mech Users were already delving into the dark arts of Stacking Batteries, though I admit, I was never brave enough for that particular game.
The only time there could be potential problems for a Mech user was really down to 2 major things, lack of Vent holes on the Mod, rare, but it happened and occasionally a Hybrid Top could cause some mild excitement. But we learned by experience and adapted our builds and equipment accordingly.
The Danger areas were much the same then as they are today really? Battery safety is still king, carrying spare batteries sensibly in cases or boxes, watching your builds and using ohm meters where possible.
Now look at today's gear!! Mind Boggling and I have become numbed by it all and keep hawking back to older gear, or "Vintage" perhaps being a better term?
Common Sense will stand you in good stead and the same rules still apply, "Know you equipment!" Work to within its tolerances and you should be fine.