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Mods for 30mm atty

Ijoy Captain PD270 was always a solid mod.
Is that adjustable wattage?

Vsticking530, P4U V-it, P4U IPV6X or the SX Mini G class. all with Yihi chipsets sadly the SX mini SL class is 28mm the perfect fit attywise would be the Sherman RTA . Geekvape legend or Aegis x. I recently got the Stabwood Gaea and no problems that you have mentioned. The Ultroner Sphinx looks like a 30mm would fit but no the position of the 510 makes it up 24mm compatible.
Voopoo x217 is the last one but these are just mods i have that can take a 30mm, i do have a spare G class that i would sell

How is the x217?

To OP, seriously tho, also the vapefly kreimhilde (sp?) And steamcrave hadron.

I assume u r not wanting a single battery mod to vape at 80-100 watts

I don’t mind the Grus but two batteries would be more sensible I think. Gonna check out the Kriemhild.
Does the aegis legend fit 30mm? I’ve always heard good things about it, never owned one myself though
Yes i have 2 one with a G-Taste Aries the other has a Steam crave aromamizer plus, both tanks are 30mm.
Thight, but it fits. Only thing to consider is you will covering the USB port rubber cover.
You should use a charger, Geekvape chipsets are fine but i would not trust them to balance charge batteries. only use the usb port to upgrade firmware. and you never need to worry about a 30mm covering the port as you won't use the usb while vaping.:)
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