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Just went on and saw the message hope the operation goes well and all the best for your sons recovery.
Must be a very stressful time stay strong.
If I do get to order I will be in no rush.
Just went on and saw the message hope the operation goes well and all the best for your sons recovery.
Must be a very stressful time stay strong.
If I do get to order I will be in no rush.

thank you very much. we haven't had a new date yet, still waiting on bristol. we will, however, get as many orders done as we can before we go :)
Forgot to mention my juice arrived whilst I was abroad so by the time I got home late last night it was well steeped. Although I am still trying new juices as I'm relatively new to vaping, milk mole has gone straight to the top of my list! already gone through about 15ml:18:
I admire your charity work and I'm proud to help a good cause, may have to support you some more in the near future!
:goodluck: to you with your goals and your sons op
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