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More Than One Third of Czechs Have Tried Electronic Cigarettes



Posted by: Florin on August 8, 2012 Under: E-CIgarette News
E-cigarettes are growing in popularity all over the world, and one of the countries where they are in really high demand is the Czech Republic. During the last year, e-cigs have taken the European country by storm, with stores opening up all over its cities.
Doctor Eva Kralikova, who runs the Prague-based Czech Centre for Tobacco Addiction, has conducted a study to find out how many Czechs have actually heard about or tried the no famous electronic cigarette. The results were impressive, with around 35% of participants saying they have already tried the innovative device. According to Kralikova, who has dedicated her life to helping people beat tobacco addiction, most of those who have turned to e-cigarettes did so in search of a safer way to smoke, while others were looking for something to help them quit smoking. Although as a doctor, she can’t really recommend anything but nicotine replacement therapy as pure nicotine in the form of patches and gum, Eva Kralikova admits so far electronic cigarettes present “close to zero danger”. Considering in America most anti-smoking groups treat the e-cig as an equal threat to the common cigarette, this coming from the head of a tobacco addiction center means a lot.
“Their safety or even efficacy as a smoking cessation aid has yet to be proven. But on the other side, it is important to point out that they do not produce any smoke. Nothing is burning in them and so there are definitely not thousands of chemicals there, which are present in tobacco smoke. So the risk is incomparable with classic cigarettes and I wouldn’t be afraid of them. But as a doctor I cannot recommend e-cigarettes because I don’t know the exact composition of what is in them, but on the other side, it is almost zero risk,” Doctor Eva Kralikova said in an interview withRadio Prague.
Talking about the future legislation the Czech government is planning to introduce, Kralikova said she heard it will ban e-cigarettes in places where it’s already illegal to smoke, which “doesn’t make sense” because it’s the smoke that shouldn’t be present in indoor environments. The experienced doctor said it’s much more important to ban smoking in restaurants and other public places, instead of harmless vapor. To point out the dangers of e-cigarettes seems crazy compared to the dangers of classic cigarettes,” Kralikova concluded, which is exactly what vapers have been saying for years. Unfortunately, tobacco companies’ deep pockets seem to be stronger than common sense.
On the upside, it’s good to see e-cigarettes rising in popularity worldwide, hopefully the powers that be will eventually realize they can’t ignore the views of millions of people who care too much about their rights and health.

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A friend of mine was in Prague recently and said he saw loads of peeps vaping and vape gear in shop windows.
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