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Moving the coil up and down


Aug 9, 2014
What sort of difference to my vape should i expect if i move the coil either closer to, or further away from the airhole? Single coil between 1.2 and 1.8ohms on a Smok RSBT if it makes any difference.

I'm going to have a little play but don't want to waist too much Kanthal in the process.

It can change flavour intensity as you get it more centered in the path of the airflow from the airhole to the driptip
Dunno the science, but my rule of thumb is the lower the coil resistance, the higher I mount it. I just like to kid myself that it increases the air available for low res coils. My placebo, and it works for me. :D
I think ^that holds some value. Airflow under the coil can be important for some builds along with some types of wicking.
could possibly lower heat transfer into the atty too i suppose.

i have read some people suggest that throat hit can differ with coil height, cant say I have tested this myself though.
As a rule of thumb I try to have my coil nice and close to the air flow, idea being it keeps the coil from getting burning hot too soon, allows for a longer drag, more vape.... no science behind it, just what works for me when I setup my kayfun using 0.5mm kanthal wound to 0.5 ohms... the vape is so thick, if I chain vape for a few mins my nose starts running, it appears to be vape thats condensed in my sinuses leaving a nice warm nicotine tingle :)
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