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MtBakerVapor.com Quality USA Made EJuice, Ships in 24 hours, Friendly CS

@jamesthompson my bottle(s) arrived this morning and I've been on the Bloodbath all day and I love it. Any chance it'll make it to a concentrate?
Also, thanks for the bottle of pina colada. I've still yet to try this but it smelt lovely as soon as I opened the box. Thanks for a great giveaway it was fun.

Bloodbath is really good! There is no plans on having just the flavoring concentrate for the GWAR flavoring unfortunately. I hope that you enjoy the Pina Coloda, make sure to let it steep :) Thank you so much!!
What word can you remove 80% of the letters and it still sounds the same?
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Hmmn let's see, Juice Prices? ;) Ok serious answer to the riddle, your height.
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