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MTL help


Mar 14, 2017
hi all. I’m looking for a good MTL. I have opted to go for the Zlide tank. I have an eleaf power 80w. Could I put the Zlide on this or do I need a new kit and what Watts would I use and what coil. Any help would be really appreciated
Hi @Ruby the Zlide will work perfectly on the Eleaf, not sure about the watts it depends on the Ohms of the coil supplied, just start at 10 watts and go up a watt at a time until you get the vape that suits you, a guide watts range is usually written on the coil.
hi all. I’m looking for a good MTL. I have opted to go for the Zlide tank. I have an eleaf power 80w. Could I put the Zlide on this or do I need a new kit and what Watts would I use and what coil. Any help would be really appreciated
Mod will be fine, comes with a 0.48 mesh coil and a 1.6 coil suspect the 1.6 would be better for your mtl but try both and adjust airflow to suit your needs and then see which you prefer, suspect the mesh will give you better flavour anyway and could close the air flow down to one if you like a tight draw

Have a read through, the coils will have the optimum wattage range for the coil marked on it

Yes start low and gradually increase (personally I'd start lower) - I think the tank comes with two coils - if you use a 1.5 ohm coil then you'll probably want around 8-16 watts, but a .5 ohm coil needs around 15-30 watts
The Zenith coils are marked up with the suggested wattage for each coil.....

1.6 Ohm = 10~14w
0.8 Ohm = 15~18w
0.5 Ohm = 14~19w
0.48 Ohm = 13~16w


They are suggested wattage ranges for coil you use - marked on side of coil
(or on the box)

I use mostly the 0.8 Ohm and get good flavour on 13.5~14w
which is a smidge below its official 15w~18w suggestion


NB: box is 0.8 Ohm coils but coil in picture is actually the 1.6 Ohm 10~14w

ps - why do bone dry coils or empty tanks say:

This product contains nicotine.......

Yeah ??? well some bastid must have nicked my nic shot or something
coz there's no fucking nicotine in my boxes I received
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Just opted for my first mod and tank and went for the Zlide, this thread is very helpful so want to say thanks to everyone
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