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MTL Mods


Oct 26, 2016
I've been using an eleaf istick Pico for years but today I dug out an old Joyetech eVic VTwo Mini and I seemed to be getting a much better vape from it. Maybe it's my imagination - I always assumed that any two mods on the same Wattage would result in an identical vaping experience. Am I wrong about this?

I dare say this has been covered in the forum at some point but if anyone could put me right it'd save me a lot of searching. Many thanks.
Different mods may deliver their power slightly differently like variations in ramp up time etc depending on the board that's in them. Also did you use the same battery?
Different mods may deliver their power slightly differently like variations in ramp up time etc depending on the board that's in them. Also did you use the same battery?
Oh I see. Yes, I suppose the components would have an effect. Yes, I used the same battery. Would you say I'd get a better vape by upgrading my mods? I suppose the technology has come along a long way since I bought mine. And would it be worth considering a dual-battery mod, or wouldn't it make any difference to the taste/throat hit? Thanks.
Oh I see. Yes, I suppose the components would have an effect. Yes, I used the same battery. Would you say I'd get a better vape by upgrading my mods? I suppose the technology has come along a long way since I bought mine. And would it be worth considering a dual-battery mod, or wouldn't it make any difference to the taste/throat hit? Thanks.
Most of the flavour /throat hit comes from the tank, juice and coils you're using. The mod might give you a minor difference that you have been noticing but I wouldn't bank on it making a big difference
Most of the flavour /throat hit comes from the tank, juice and coils you're using. The mod might give you a minor difference that you have been noticing but I wouldn't bank on it making a big difference
OK. Well, thanks for the info.
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