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MTL RDTA for Squonking

The Brunhilde? though it is huge and 23mm

The Galaxies will take some beating though and the only MTL squonk atty I still use.

Don't think Brunhilde has a squonk pin. Don't think there is much else out there tbh.
I'm still waiting for SXK to a make corolla V2 that's squonkable. I think they've probably missed the boat on that one though.
Ooh I fucked around chasing that dragon. Tried converting nectar clones with varying levels of success.
Before the galaxies and mulan (in the old day's) I used the split rdta. There may still be a single remaining clone available (goes and checks) actually a black and silver.
The coppervape was the best as it had a coil block but actually was unnecessary as the wicks and posts block the deck into two.
It comes with a 510 drip tip adapter and is very small (see if I can find one shortly)
Really liked it single coiled with the airflow open a little. Flavour was spot on. Liked to use it when working and I may risk forgetting to squonk, lol.
While not an RDTA, the Holic works well for MTL squonking.
Some idea of the size rew.

Airflow shuts down to nothing. Best there was really.
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