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My first build "The Bitch"


Oct 5, 2014
After writing off a Naos t/10 last week I decided to try a straight wired box mod (mech?) No MOSFET because of the chunky switch, with a hidden voltage meter. Thanks to Modmaker.co.uk for some bits and pieces that weren't used here but will come in handy for my next build - Murata t/20.
The Lugs on the switch may look chunky, but how about the contacts you cant see inside. :13:

There is no Anti-Vandal Push Button Switch with a Amp rating high enough to handle what that box can put out.

Best case is that switch will be rated for 20A, more likely <5A.

Really not safe, and all for the sake of a couple of quid for a MOSFET.
I agree with peps1. Its all good learning and practice though. Messed up a few raptor boards in my time but it just makes you better at visualising how you can cram more in on the next build.
I had ordered the MOSFETs, they will be here after the weekend. I'm not going to put anything really low on it. I need some paired batteries too.
I left the positive wire intentionally long so that I could modify it later. I also fitted a homemade ribbon so that I could get the battery out sharpish if I need to!
It was a bit of a desperate measures affair. My Cana had gone tits up, the Sigelei 30 watt I've got is very klenky, coming apart and switching itself off. So I made The Bitch as a work in progress/see me through until parts arrive. I am tired of cheap Chinese 510s and buttons wearing out.
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