@<a href="http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/member.php?u=7035" target="_blank">Fleabag</a>
Have a look in here
Thats a dual coil atty set up with micro coils and cotton. Ignore the wire thickness, I use that as I want very low resistance. Thats what your aiming for with a micro coil.
A picture paints a thousand words, heres dual micro coils with mesh
Thats a very very sub ohm build, .2ohm it will set thr juice alight if the wicks dry out too much.....
Works well though
That dripper. It looks like the air is fed from a single tube in between the posts, dual coils would need to be stacked rather than side by side to get the air where it needs to be ie right over the coils. In that dripper I would suggest a single micro coil between the posts would give the best results in terms of flavour and vapour.
Here's a picture of micro coils under construction
I dont bother torching before I install now. I fit them, use the mod to heat, release button and carefully pinch. DO NOT PINCH WITH THE BUTTON PRESSED, EVER. You'll short your device out, bad on a vw, really bad on a mech.
I'm trying to find the other thread I've posted up, its a duplicate of this thread
Found it
But I cant find it sorry. I'm in wigan if you ever want a look at some builds or need a quick pointer somewhere but its all going to be pretty simple to you tbh, if you can mix you can easily coil.
Try this video too, he's irritating but his guides are very very good
[video]Micro Coil On A Trident RDA - YouTube[/video]